Year End Closeout FY2007 Accounts Payable Date 06/21/07
2222 Financial Management Operations Accounts Payable Requirements for Year End: Invoice/voucher due dates On-line documents set up for Encumbrances and Payables How to clean up Encumbrances on your accounts Procurement card purchases / reallocations
3333 Financial Management Operations Invoice/Voucher Due Date All invoices/travel documents along with any corrections are due in Accounts Payable by 5 pm on August 20 th. All work received by this date is guaranteed to be worked by year end. AP will continue to process legitimate Rushes. For exceptions contact Clint Merritt
4444 Financial Management Operations On-Line Documents- Encumbrances Encumbrances are items or services that have been ordered as of Aug 31 st, but have not been received. To record an encumbrance set up a document in FAMIS. – Exempt purchases will be set up on screen – Delegated purchases that are not exempt will be set up on screen – Requisitions entered or requisitions converted to a PO are already encumbered This encumbrance will carry forward to the next fiscal year.
5555 Financial Management Operations On-Line Documents- Payables Payables are obligations for goods or services that have been received as of August 31 st, but not paid. To create a payable do receiving on the document (encumbrance) already created in FAMIS – Receiving to be done on screens FAMIS will run the program YER217 on August 31 st to convert these encumbrances into payables. – FAMIS will post this as an expense on the SL and a payable on the GL in FY07 and then reverse in FY08 to set the encumbrance in FY08.
6666 Financial Management Operations Cleaning up Your Account We want to make sure that you’re reporting accurate information. Go to screen 21 in FAMIS to check your Open Commitments. Check to see if receiving has been done on each document. If so, this will create a Payable. (YER217). Research each Open Commitment to see if you still need those funds encumbered.
7777 Financial Management Operations FAMIS Screen 21
8888 Financial Management Operations Cleaning Up Your Account For those documents that are set up in FAMIS and no longer need to be encumbered: – Go to screen 243 for Limited or to screen 238 for Exempt – Then complete the Purchase Order. This will release those remaining funds back into the original account. – If related to a P document then contact the appropriate buyer in Purchasing at Any discrepancies that can not be cleared should be reported to Clint Merritt
9999 Financial Management Operations FAMIS Screen 243
10 Financial Management Operations Purchasing Card Purchases Transactions between August 7 th - August 31 st will be a recorded on your account in August as an AFR entry. All purchases will default to 6250, but reallocations should be made by 5 pm Sept 3, Since these are AFR entries they will reverse in September and you will be able to reallocate by the September deadline as normal. For questions call Geoff Spahr at or via
11 Financial Management Operations Accounts Payable Year End Summary Use the on-line purchasing system (FAMIS) to encumber funds and record payables. Check your Open Commitments and clean up the encumbrances on your accounts. Reallocate Purchasing Card Transactions by 5 pm September 3 rd. Invoices are due in AP by 5 pm on August 20 th. – Contact Clint for exceptions regarding this deadline.