What is art history? Look at and react to this artwork? While animals are attracted to superficial appearances humans are enticed by the idea of that which is hidden
THE FACTS Artist: Ben Shahn Title: The Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti Date: 1931 ART-MAKING: MATERIALS and TECHNIQUES Medium: Oil Paint on Canvas THE CONTENT Subject Matter: What do you see? What is this an image of? What is the emotional content? FORMAL ANALYSIS: How is the picture put together? What are the visual characteristics/qualities of the artwork – style? CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS Historical Context / Contextual Analysis: What is outside the picture -A social-realist painter -Painted urban life, organized labor, immigration and injustice. -Nicola Sacco and Batolomeo Vanzetti: Italian anarchists who many thought were unjustly convicted of killing two men in a robbery in The three men are members of the commission who declared the trial fair and cleared the way for the executions. -Behind, on the wall of a government building is a picture of the judge who pronounced the initial sentence. MEANING / Purpose Considering the subject matter, the historical context in which this work was made, and how it looks what is the message does it communicate and purpose/function does it serve?
CONTENT Describe What You See?
CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS WHY WAS IT CREATED? Investigation of what outside the painting gave cause for its creation*
Formal Analysis How is the subject matter visually represented? What are the visual characteristics that define artwork’s style?
WHAT IS THE MEANING? What is the meaning or message that the artwork is intended to communicate to its audience? Formal Analysis (Style) Content Contextual Analysis (History) MEANING / PURPOSE
Art history is not the practice of describing or evaluating works of art. Rather it is the process by which we analyze an artwork’s content, historical context, and visual qualities (style) to determine it’s meaning purpose.
Facts Who made it: Artist When was it made: Date Where was it made: Culture, Location
Art-making: Medium and Technique, Tools What is the medium: The material used to make the artwork Examples: Painting Mediums: Tempera paint, Oil paint Sculpture: Bronze, Marble Architecture: Stone, Wood, Mud What is the technique: How the artwork was made Examples: Painting techniques: Fresco, Plein Air, Perspective, Chiaroscuro Sculpture: Casting, Reduction/Carving Architecture: Arches and keystones What are the tools needed for the medium/technique Examples: Painting: Brush, Pigments Sculptures: Molds, Chisels Architecture: Hoist and lever
Content What is the subject matter? Story, or narrative The scene of the story presented The action’s time and place The person’s involved The environment and details Pictorial Subjects: Religious Historical Mythological Genre (daily life) Portraiture Landscape
CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS the information about the painting you can’t see PATRON: Who commissioned it? HISTORICAL EVENTS AND BIG IDEAS: What historical events and big ideas of the time contributed to the selection and portrayal of the subject matter LOCATION: Where was the art displayed? AUDIENCE: Who was intended to see it? FUNCTION: Where was the artwork displayed and what role did it serve to it’s audience?
Formal Analysis How is the artwork put together: Elements of art and principles of design Period Style: What are the distinctive visual characteristics that place the artwork in a specific culture and time period? Regional Style: What are the distinctive visual characteristics that place the artwork in a specific location? Personal Style: What are the distinctive visual characteristics that attribute an artwork to a specific artist? How does the arrangement of the artwork and it’s style reflect the historical context of the painting?
Meaning Synthesizing content, context and style What is the meaning or message that the artwork is intended to communicate to its audience? How does the artwork communicate the BIG IDEAS OF THE TIME?
Themes In Art History Art Historian categorize art by style, tim period and culture. However they also categorize by Theme. The meaning and/or purpose of an artwork will relate to one or more themes in art history Themes Power, authority and commemoration The Spiritual World/ Images of Religious Figures/Ritual Objects/Sacred Sites (temples, basilicas, and cathedrals, and objects of worship/ritual) Propaganda Family, domesticity and everyday life Love, marriage, sex and procreation The human body Humanism Portraiture Technology Nature; man vs. nature The “Other” War, Violence in art Challenging the establishment/tradition Internal worlds/realities and the subconscious