Ms. Deming’s Weekly Newsletter September 28, 2014 Website: We have had another wonderful week in Ms. Deming’s class! Thank you all for being so supportive each day, and for your daily communication and feedback. Please read this newsletter carefully to give you updates in our classroom. Math Review To review for our test we played partner jeopardy. Once students came up with their answer with their partner they had to write it on their white board and hold it up! Reading Mini Lessons Last week, student’s learned how to “up their carpet convos” during Reader’s Workshop to teach them how to have meaningful conversations about books with their reading partners. They also learned how to make a movie in their mind, how to “read like a monster truck”, and how to pull into their Mental File Cabinet to activate their schema before, during, and after reading. Stop, drop and roll! The Charlotte Mecklenburg Fire Department paid a visit this week to teach us the importance of fire safety. Students were able to MAP out their Fire Safety plan for their own home! Students went to the Media Center, where Mrs. Sukrham taught them all about how to research! They learned the importance of researching from “credible” sources. No Wikipedia for us! These research skills will be instrumental for them in completing their Change Over Time project. We were even able to practice some of these skills! Making Ice Cream Last week the students participated in a science experiment where they made ice cream. They were able to witness matter changing state!
Happening This Week…. Dates to know… -9/29/14 3 rd Grade classes will go to Ms. Gwen’s room from Discovery Place to conduct matter experiments! -9/29/14 Classes create their top 5 picks for enrichment clusters for fall /1/14 Field trip forms due -10/1/14 Matter Quiz (Changed from Tuesday to Wednesday) -10/1/14 Interactive Notebooks (math, science, SS) will be collected and graded! -10/3/14 Math quiz -10/3/14 Reading Quiz (on reading fix up strategies students have been learning in class) -10/8/14 Field trip to Imaginon located in Uptown Charlotte for 101 Dalmations play -10/16/14 Enrichment Cluster Menus sent home - 10/20/14-10/21/14 I will be out presenting at the NCAEE conference in Concord - 10/23/14 Social Studies projects due - 10/27/14 1 st Quarter Ends Important Information and Reminders Math We will continue with our addition unit. Students will learn to use addition combinations and “mental math” when solving addition equations. They will continue adding money to recognize coin equivalencies. They will use place value knowledge to learn how to estimate. On Friday, students will have a quiz to assess their understanding of adding using known combinations, mental math, and estimation. Reading This week in reading workshop students will learn what to do while reading when the “mental movie” stops. They will also learn How to retell the stories that they read. This is an important skill for students to learn and practice each day. This is also something that’s more difficult for children at this age. Please practice this skill with them at home! In order to re-enforce their oral retelling skills, students will “create a buzz” about books, where they will have to recommend a book to a friend! Writing This week in writing workshop we will begin the publishing stage of our personal narratives that we’ve been brainstorming for all year! We will use our ideas from our writer’s notebook to choose one small moment and turn it into a big moment. Student’s will conference with Ms. Deming during this stage of the writing process in order to discuss writing skills to put into practice during the publishing stage of the writing process. Science – We will finish our unit on Matter. Students will review in class on Monday. They will also go to Ms. Gwen from Discovery Place to learn more in depth about matter. They will have their quiz on Tuesday. Social Studies – We will continue with our change unit. We will learn how change can affect communities. We will also act out a “Charlotte Over Time” skit in which we compare Charlotte, past and present. Notes from Ms. Deming -Enrichment Clusters are interest based clubs that we do every year in the fall and spring. We have students vote on clubs they would like and then two teachers sponsor each club. They are held once a week for 5 weeks. Information for them will be sent home very soon. This year you will have to sign up via Sign-Up Genius. It will be first come first serve. The menu will be sent home in students’ Thursday folders on October 16. More info will be sent home about the Sign Up Genius! -I will be collecting notebooks this Wednesday on October 1. Please look through your child’s notebooks to make sure they are neat, creative, detailed and are complete. -Students now have access to Razkids (an online reading program). Students may use this as a part of their read 30 minutes homework. -Math Super Stars was sent home last Thursday. It is an optional enrichment math program. It will be sent home every Thursday or Friday. It is due the following Friday. -Please go to to sign up for a conference if you haven’t already done so! -Our 3 rd grade project weebly can be found at: It had student examples, the rubric, and the directions. I am looking for someone with a fairly large plug in flattop/griddle who would like to bring it in next week and help out with a pancake experiment to review before our matter test. Please me if interested!
Review Questions from our in class Matter Scoot Review Game for Wednesday’s Quiz Matter Scoot Review Game Question #1: Hand sanitizer is an example of a: (solid, liquid, gas) Question #2: Ice is an example of a: (solid, liquid, gas) Question #3: When ice melts, it is an example of a (physical change, chemical change) Question #4: When you cut a block of cheese, it is an example of (physical change, chemical change) Question #5: Water vapor is an example of a: (solid, liquid, gas) Question #6: Name the 3 states of matter. Question #7: Which kind of matter has its own shape? (solid, liquid, gas) Question #8: What do you call anything that has mass and takes up space? It is an example of _____________. Question#9: How can you measure the volume of a liquid? Question #10: What is one way that liquids and gases are alike? Question #11: Which of these has the greatest mass? (speck of dust, giant rock, mountain, pebble) Question #12: Which of these has the least mass? (crayon, gallon of milk, bicycle, laptop) Question #13: What tool do you use to measure the temperature of matter? Question #14: How much space a liquid takes up is measure by its: (mass, volume, matter, temperature) Question #15: What does a liquid become when it is heated? Question #16: What happens to a liquid when it is cooled? Question #17: What does liquid take the shape of? Question #18: What is volume? Question #19: Name 3 properties of a pencil. Question #20: What happens to gas when it is heated? Question #21: Name 3 properties of a basketball. Question #22: Name an object that will sink in water. Question #23: A rotting apple is an example of (physical change, chemical change) Question #24: Mixing Kool-aid in water is an example of: (physical change, chemical change)
Lesson: Right Side (Teacher Side) ____ Notes including handwriting are neat and completed with care ____ Notes are complete, detailed, and organized. Right Side (Teacher Side) ____ Notes including handwriting are neat and completed with care ____ Notes are complete, detailed, and organized. Left Side (Student Side) ____ The assignment including handwriting is neat, and completed with care ____ The assignment is complete ____ The assignment is completed according to instructions given by the teacher ____ The assignment is correct ____ The left side shows a thorough understanding of the right side (2 Points) ____ Color has been used to make the assignment neat and attractive. Left Side (Student Side) ____ The assignment including handwriting is neat, and completed with care ____ The assignment is complete ____ The assignment is completed according to instructions given by the teacher ____ The assignment is correct ____ The left side shows a thorough understanding of the right side (2 Points) ____ Color has been used to make the assignment neat and attractive. Organization and Timeliness ____ Pages are attached securely, left side/right side order intact ____ Pages numbers and dates are included and at the top of each page ____ The notebook assignment was completed and turned in on time Organization and Timeliness ____ Pages are attached securely, left side/right side order intact ____ Pages numbers and dates are included and at the top of each page ____ The notebook assignment was completed and turned in on time Creativity ____ Student’s assignment is creative and thought provoking. Creativity ____ Student’s assignment is creative and thought provoking. Evidence of Additional Thinking/Effort – WOW Factor ____ Student put exceptional effort into both right and left side assignments. Assignment goes above and beyond the requirements. Evidence of Additional Thinking/Effort – WOW Factor ____ Student put exceptional effort into both right and left side assignments. Assignment goes above and beyond the requirements. Math Interactive Notebook Rubric Student Name: _____________________________________ √++ 105% All notes (right side) and independent practice (left side) are 100% complete. Handwriting is their best at all times, pages are well organized, and notes are completed with great care. Student goes above and beyond expectation s. √+ 100% All notes (right side) and independen t practice (left side) are 100% complete. Handwritin g is neat, - pages are organized, and notes are completed with care. √ 85% Almost all notes (right side) and independen t practice (left side) are complete. Handwritin g is neat, but not their best. Pages are organized and notes are completed with care. √- 77% Some notes (right side) and independent practice (left side) are complete. Handwriting is somewhat legible, pages are not completely organized, and notes are completed with not much care. √-- 70% Most notes (right side) and independent practice (left side) are incomplete or missing. Handwriting is very sloppy, pages are not very organized, and notes are not completed with care Incomplete 50% Little to all notes (right side) and independent practice (left side) are incomplete or missing. Interactive Notebooks Rubric