The PCM-epoxi nano-composite materials obtained as cross-linked three dimensional structures are attractive for space heating and cooling of buildings able to reduce the space and costs for containerization. Properties of nanocomposites substantially improved: Mechanical properties : strength, modulus and dimensional stability i.e. by using a nanocomposite PCM-epoxi increases the strength by 100% Thermal stability Thermal resistance, flame retardancy and reduced smoke emissions :Nanocomposites, with their superior thermal resistance, are also attractive for applications as housings for electronics Chemical resistance The use of polymer-based nanocomposites are used as anticorrosion coatings on metals, and thin-film sensor. Decreased permeability to gases, water and hydrocarbons Polymer-matrix nanocomposites can also be used to package films, due to their superior barrier properties and low permeability M.Constantinescu 1, L.Dumitrache 2, S.Serban 2, P.M.Pavel 1, A.Stoica 1, M.Ghiurea 2, M.Ladaniuc 2 and M.Olteanu 1. 1.ICF-AR “Ilie Murgulescu” 2. ICECHIM Bucuresti Romanian Academy of Science Institute of Physical Chemistry “Ilie Murgulescu” Spl. Independentei 202, Bucharest, Phase change materials have been employed in: Thermal energy storage Conditioning of buildings Waste heat recovery Off peak power utilization Heat pump systems Space applications Laptop computer cooling Cool suits Telecom shelters Phase change materials have been employed in: Thermal energy storage Conditioning of buildings Waste heat recovery Off peak power utilization Heat pump systems Space applications Laptop computer cooling Cool suits Telecom shelters Innovative applications Solar houses Kirally Blood motion Rubiterm Passive and active cooling Rubiterm Glauber(Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O)+5%Borax (Na 2 B 4 O 7 )+Al + Hardening reaction of epoxi resin with PCM Nanocomposites PEG 1000,1500 +Al Nanocomposites preparation 1)Glauber(Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O)+5%Borax(Na 2 B 4 O7)+Ad -Temperature domain: 15-30C -Phase change temperature -31C. -Microencapsulation in epoxi resin as a cross-linked structure -Geometric form of the material is application dependant 2) an epoxi mixture of polyethylene glycol of different molecular weights (1000, 1500, 2000) with Al powder). 3)-Eutectics of the binary and ternary systems : --Acetamide+ sodium acetate trihidrate -sodium tiosulfate(Na 2 S 2 O 3.5H 2 O)+ sodium acetate trihidrate - Working temperature <60C Demands for Phase Change Material Physico-chemical: -Phase change temperature in the required domain -High latent heat of phase change and caloric capacity -High thermal conductivity -Low undercooling -Low volume changes -Reversible phase transition -Good physical and chemical stability Kinetical : -High nucleation and crystal grow velocity Economical : -low cost -Reciclability -Non-toxicity Material characterization and testing Polyethylene Glycol- M2000 Glauber+borax+amonium sulphate decahydrate +Al nano DSC for epoxi-PEG Al SEM micrographs for Glauber –epoxi Al nano SEM micrographs for polyethylene glycol(PEG) 2000 PCM +Ad melted and mixed with epoxi resin Objectives and importance of energy storage in PCM Energy storage aims to reduce the conventional energy consumtion with a direct impact on CO 2 emissions. The advantages of phase change materials : A constant temperature domain for the phase transformation, chosen for each application. High storage density kWh/m3 Directions of researches on heat storage in phase change materials : Finding new materials with superior performances Elimination of existent material disadvantages. PCM Salt hydrates Melting temperature C Melting heat kJ/kg PCM Organic materials Melting temperature C Melting heat kJ/kg KF.4H 2 O Butilstearate19140 CaCl 2 6 H 2 O dodecanol26200 Na 2 SO 4.10H 2 O Parafins Na 2 HPO H 2 O /55capric/lauric acid21143 Zn(NO 3 ) 2. 4 H 2 O Propil palmitate19186 Ca(NO 3 ) 2. 4H 2 O Polyethylenglycole LiClO 3. 3 H 2 O tetradecanol38205 Mn(NO 3 ) 2. 6 H 2 O Phase Change Materials DSC for PEG 1500 CONCLUSIONS 1.The nanocomposite materials for buildings were obtained by using melted (PCM +additives) 70 wt%, incorporated in an epoxidic resin 30 wt%. For all Epoxi-PCM materials was used Ropoxid 501 (Policolor), with a hardener threeethylentetramine (TETA) or I 3361 (Policolor). The composition of the inorganic PCM was: (Glauber salt)70wt %, additives (borax 10wt%, NH 4 HCO 3, (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4, or CaCO 3 20wt% and Al powder 0.1wt% for enhancing the thermal conductivity of the material, whereas the organic PCM ( polyethyleneglycoles 1000, 1500 and 2000) were also 70wt% and 0.1 wt%Al powder. The system hardened at the ambient temperature. 2.The materials present good mechanical, thermal and chemical properties suitable for building materials. 3.They can be used for different applications in active or pasive systems, depending on their melting temperature.The geometry used depends also on their melting temperature and on the chosen application. 4. Energy storage in building materials will reduce the conventional energy consumptions, will increase the living comfort, decreasing the CO 2 emissions. melted PCM in the epoxi matrix