AMSR-E SIPS Processing Status Presented by Kathryn Regner Information Technology and Systems Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting June 2-3, 2010 Huntsville, AL
Outline Introduction Hardware Update Software Status Accomplishments Future Activities JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
AMSR-E SIPS Personnel JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3, NASA MSFC: H. Michael Goodman, PI UAHuntsville ITSC (Staff shared with GHRC DAAC): Management: Dr. Sara Graves, Director, ITSC Development: Helen Conover, Lead Bruce Beaumont Lamar Hawkins Mary Nair Matt Smith Engineering: Kathryn Regner Sandra Harper Data Management: Steve Jones Sherry Harrison Systems Administration: Will Ellett, Lead Michele Garrett
TLSCF Science Software I&T SIPS-GHCC PO.DAAC JAXA-EOC L1A Product Generation SIPS-RSS L2A Product Generation L2B and L3 Product Generation (science, metadata, qa, ph, subsets, browse) L2 and L3 algorithms L2A algorithm NSIDC DAAC Data Archive and Distribution Level-1 Level-2 and Level-3 Level-1 NASA EDOS GBAD (Pre Ephem) & PDS Ground Stations L2B and L3 Algorithms Level-0 Product Delivery Record Server (PDRS) Algorithm Teams OceanSea Ice Rain Land Snow Data NASA Flt Dynamics GBAD (Def Ephem) AMSR-E Data Flow JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
SIPS-GHCC Hardware Operational Configuration 8 TB Dell EMC CX300 Storage Area Network Array 2 GB/sec Fibre Channel Switch Dell PowerEdge x 3.4 GHz Processors 4 GB RAM, RHEL 5 AMSR 1-4 Near line storage of all Level-2A and most recent Level-2B & Level-3 Restricted FTP Server Multiple processing environments across four machines results in much greater flexibility for processing and reprocessing. Sun Storage 7310 With J4400 Disk Array 8TB NAS Private Network (1 GB/sec) Forward Processing Reprocessing Dev, Integration & Test Storage Buildout Completed July 2009 JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
6 Planned SIPS-GHCC Hardware Configuration – Summer 2010 Near line storage of all Level-2A and most recent Level-2B and Level-3 Restricted FTP Server Multiple processing environments across four machines results in much greater flexibility for processing and reprocessing. Sun Storage 7310 With J4400 Disk Array 10TB NAS Private Network (1 GB/sec) Forward Processing Reprocessing Dev, Integration & Test Sun Fire x4270 x64 2 x 2.93 GHz Sun Intel Xeon Processors 4 x 2GB DIMM, RHEL 5 AMSR 1-3
JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3, Software Architecture (Routine Processing ) Level-2A Brightness Temperatures (with Metadata and QA files) L2B Ocean (1/2-orbit) L2B Land (1/2-orbit) L2B Rain (1/2-orbit) L3 Ocean (Daily) L3 Land (Daily) L3 Snow (Daily) L3 Sea Ice (Daily, 3 Res) L3 Snow (Pentad) L3 Ocean (Weekly) L3 Ocean (Monthly) L3 Rain (Monthly) L3 Snow (Monthly) Once per day Once every five days Once per week Once per month Product Generation Scheduling ~ 29 times per day Level-2A Brightness Temperatures Near Real Time Ingest from RSS
Algorithm Version Numbers Summary JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3, Algorithm Short Name L2A Tb L2B Land L2B Ocean L2B Rain L3 Land L3 Ocean L3 Rain L3 Sea Ice L3 Snow Current Versions (as of May 31, 2010) V10 V09 V06 V10 V06 V04 V06 V12 V09
Accomplishments Systems: Integration of Network Attached Storage (NAS) device (July 2009): supports SIPS’ role as official offsite archive for the AMSR-E L2A brightness temperature data set. facilitates reprocessing of higher level products Worked with the vendor to upgrade firmware on the Sun Storage 7310 Storage Area Network (NAS) device. Operations team reported significant increases in speed when transferring files. (January 2010) Selected hardware vendor for the FY10 technology refresh procurement (May 2010). JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Accomplishments (2) Processing: Procedures Update (November 2009): per NSIDC request and in response to increased user community interest in preliminary (near real time) products, SIPS implemented a new production rule to regenerate the preliminary daily files whenever regenerated or delayed ½-orbit files are received. Integrated Version 12 Sea Ice Algorithm into SIPS processing system and began reprocessing (March 2010). defines the sea ice season to begin on October 1 st of each year and improves upon management of the sea ice mask ancillary files. JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Accomplishments (3) Processing (continued): Integrated Version 4 of the Level-3 Ocean DAP into the SIPS processing system (April 2010) and began reprocessing. utilizes the RFI filter for DirecTV that was implemented in the L2A algorithm last year. reprocessing the L3 Ocean requires reprocessing the L2 Ocean as well, in order to make use of the new features JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Accomplishments (4) Reprocessing: Second Mission Dataset Reprocessing Complete (July 2009): using Version 10 of the Level-2A products, which was enhanced to include RFI quality flags each of the 13 higher level products are now at the same version number from the beginning of the mission until the present date. Completed reprocessing Version 12 Sea Ice mission dataset (May 2010). JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Accomplishments (5) LANCE: Attended the AMSR-E Mission Operations Working Group meeting, hosted by Angie Kelly, at GSFC. Learned about the Land Atmosphere Near Real Time Capability for EOS (LANCE). (October 2009) Attended the LANCE Workshop held in College Park on December 8-9. Began preliminary analysis with ESDIS and the AMSR-E near-real time data providers (MODIS) to determine the optimal way to split up the near real time processing load and integrate algorithms into the LANCE system. In February 2010, UAHuntsville submitted a proposal and budget to ESDIS requesting funds to implement the Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS processing at the AMSR-E SIPS. Contracted awarded in March; official start date April 1 st. JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Near Term Activities Integration of new (FY10) hardware into SIPS processing systems; software migration. Integration of new and updated algorithms Sea Ice Drift product and Level-3 Rain Reprocessing those datasets Evaluate reprocessing Level-2A based upon new Level-1A. JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,
Summary Processing and reprocessing activities are running smoothly. –Integrating new algorithms as received from TLSCF –Preparing to install, integrate and test the third generation of hardware JAXA / AMSR-E Working Group Meeting Huntsville June 2-3,