Outline of International Report on ICCS National Research Coordinators Meeting Madrid, February 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Outline of International Report on ICCS National Research Coordinators Meeting Madrid, February 2010

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Content of presentation Steps in report development Report structure Content of report chapters Appendices

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Report development First draft outline discussed at ICCS Joint Management Group meeting in Hamburg July 2009 Discussion with Project Advisory Committee at its meeting in Tallinn October 2009 Revised and finalised at Joint Management Group meeting in Hamburg December 2009

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Report publication Authors will be staff working at the three research institutions Preliminary title: “Civic Knowledge, Attitudes and Engagement among Lower Secondary School Students in 38 Countries: ICCS 2009 International Report” The report will be released end of June 2010

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Report structure - 1 I.Introduction II.Contexts for CCE III.Students’ civic and citizenship knowledge IV.Students’ civic engagement V.The roles of schools and communities

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Report structure - 2 VI.The influences of family background VII.Explaining variation in learning outcomes VIII.Conclusion and Discussion Appendix

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Introduction Background and aims of study Links to CIVED and trends Outline of design and methodology Rationale and chapter overview

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Contexts for civic and citizenship education Country background information –Tables not yet available Country information on educational system and CCE

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Students' Civic and Citizenship knowledge Measurement of civic and citizenship knowledge Comparison of civic knowledge and understanding across countries Gender differences in civic knowledge and understanding Trends in civic knowledge

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Students' Civic Value Beliefs and Attitudes Democratic value beliefs and citizenship concepts Students' views on gender rights and rights for ethnic/racial groups and immigrants Students' trust in institutions and attitudes toward their country Students' engagement with religion

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Students' Civic Engagement Interest, self-concept and self-efficacy Present participation in civic activities (in and out of school) Expected civic participation in the future

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 The Roles of Schools and Communities Context of local community School context and climate Teaching of civic and citizenship education

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 The Influences of Family Background The influence of cultural/ethnic family background on civic knowledge The influence of socio-economic family background on civic knowledge The influence of parental interest on civic knowledge The combined influence of home background on civic outcomes

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Explaining Variation in Learning Outcomes A model for explaining civic knowledge and engagement Results for model explaining civic and citizenship knowledge Results for model explaining expected electoral participation as an adult

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Conclusion and Discussion Summary of outcomes Comparison with previous findings Possible implications for policy and practice

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Appendices Instrument design, samples and participation rates ICCS test and questionnaire indices Sample items for cognitive test Maps describing questionnaire indices Organisations and Individuals involved in ICCS

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 NRC review Country representatives should: –Review general outline and chapter content –Review appropriateness of reporting tables Group discussion at meeting Written feedback after meeting (by 5 March 2010) Report revision following NRC feedback

NRC Meeting Madrid February 2010 Questions or comments?