©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators What Are Multiple Meaning Words?
©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators What are multiple meaning words? Many words have more than one meaning. We call these words “multiple meaning words.” Multiple meaning words are usually referred to as homonyms. Let’s take a closer look.
A closer look at homonymsHOMONYMS: A homonym is a word that is said or spelled the same way as another word but has a different meaning. "Write” and “right” is a good example of a pair of homonyms.HOMOPHONE:HOMOGRAPH: A homophone is a word that has the same sound as another word but is spelled differently and has a different meaning: A homograph is a word that has the same spelling as another word but has a different sound and a different meaning: flower flourbass ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Back to multiple meaning wordsHOMOGRAPHS Within this group, multiple meaning words can have several differences. Different Capitalization Different Punctuation Different Parts of Speech Different Tense Different Degrees You may go on vacation in May. I must write a résumé so that I can secure a job and resume working. John wants to take the lead. He plans to lead his team in the next Olympics. Susan wants to read the book that I read for my history report last week. A team captain ranks above a co-captain. The lamp is hanging above the oak table. (Literal vs. Figurative) ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Let’s take a look at this brief video clip shows you how to look up multiple meanings in a dictionary. Time for review thesaurus/video-multiple-meanings thesaurus/video-multiple-meanings ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Riddles are a great way to practice multiple meaning words. Let me show you how. Practice with multiple meaning words What kind of instruments do all animals have inside of them? ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Well, the answer is obvious! Practice with multiple meaning words What kind of instruments do all animals have inside of them? Organs! ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Let’s try to answer this riddle together. Practice with multiple meaning words How do dog catchers get paid? ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Let’s try to answer this riddle together. Practice with multiple meaning words How do dog catchers get paid? By the pound! ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Try to answer this one on your own. Practice with multiple meaning words Why was the music teacher so upset? ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Try to answer this one on your own. Practice with multiple meaning words Why was the music teacher so upset? Because the students were passing notes! ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Resources ords/homonym-homophone-homograph/ thesaurus/video-multiple-meanings ords/homonym-homophone-homograph/ thesaurus/video-multiple-meanings ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators
Thank You By Educators For Educators Thank You! ©2015 IPDAE. All rights reserved. All content in this presentation is the proprietary property of The Institute for the Professional Development of Adult Educators