科技世界是一个激动人心的时代。事物发展得 很快,重要的问题是人们如何加以利用。 It ‘ s an exciting time in the world of technology 。 Things are moving very quickly and the big question is how.


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Presentation transcript:

科技世界是一个激动人心的时代。事物发展得 很快,重要的问题是人们如何加以利用。 It ‘ s an exciting time in the world of technology 。 Things are moving very quickly and the big question is how people can take advantage of this 。 -- 比尔. 盖茨 (Bill Gates)

Lesson 10 Internet

Warming-up Exercise 1. Brainstorming Give a word or a phrase that is related to the Internet or computer science. (One student is to give one word or one phrase). e.g. surf, network …

Story Relaying Students take turns to contribute one sentence at a time to form a story that is related to the Internet. The first sentence is given as the start: Dennis is a chatting freak and every evening he is in the Internet caf é chatting for hours. But one day …

Word Cues(1) 网恋 cyber love 虚拟空间 virtual world 宽带接入 broadband / wideband access 信息产业(信息技术) information technology (IT) 上网 surf / get on the Internet / line 将你的电脑与互联网连接 to hook up your computer to the Internet / wire your computer with the Internet

Word Cues (2) 昵称 nickname 超级链接 hyperlink 电子商务 / 贸易 E-commerce (E-business) / E-trade

Word Cues(3) 主页 homepage 手提电脑 / 掌上电脑 laptop computer / palm computer 黑客闯入了银行的计算机系统。 The hacker broke into the bank ’ s computer system.

Picture Description

Group Discussion Topic 1 Last year, Shanghai Municipal Government laid down a rule that all Internet cafes shall be closed before midnight. Do you think it appropriate or not? Give your reasons.

Group Discussion Topic 2 Because of the relative freedom of access to information, the Internet has often been criticized by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. To what degree do you agree with this remark?

Speech Two students (prepared in advance) are to give their speeches on the previous topics. After each speech, the audience are free to raise questions and have a debate with the speaker.

Short Play Each group is preparing to give a short play in relation to Internet. The performance is to last 5 minutes or so in the front of the classroom. Give full play to your imagination and creation.

Scenario 1 Tom and Mary were childhood sweethearts and they both became chatting freaks, trying to find a cyber lover / love. One day they met on line without knowing each other ’ s identity. Then …

Scenario 2 A boy and a girl were chatting on line without seeing each other before. It seemed that they fell in love with each other. They decided to meet that night. Yet, it turned out they were chatting in the same Internet caf é and next to each other every day.

Scenario 3 Tom and Mary fell in love with each other through chatting on line. They decided to meet but both of them were afraid that the other would not love him/her after meeting. So they both asked someone else to go to the blind date.

Highlighting some words and expressions With … the Internet has become … Properly handled, it … Otherwise, … What we should do is … Particularly …