Secondary Data
Data that are collected by a source outside of the program/project Useful to complement, or triangulate primary (program) data Improve efficiency of monitoring system
Cost-effective to adopt indicators for which data have been or will be collected by – Government ministry, international agencies, local agencies – Data from research, studies conducted at the same time (or planned at a time consistent with project M&E needs), in-depth assessment, project reports
Governments: planning departments, Ministry of Health Management Information System (HMIS), Agriculture data University or research centers International agencies CARE programs (FSF, SHOII, SHOII, ACCES) Other projects/programs working in the area (BRAC, Borne Fonden, Plan) Financial institutions
Applicability. Is the target population similar? Is the catchment area similar? Ownership. Who “owns” the data? Is data public or proprietary? Accuracy. How to ensure data are quality/accurate? Double counting. What are your experiences/thoughts on feasibility of using HMIS data? Other program data?
Important key country indicators Collected by government health staff at various levels (primary, secondary,tertiary) by registers Aggregated upwards in a routine basis (quarterly, semi-annually, annually) Opportunity for capacity building and data strengthening What types of data are routinely collected in your country HMIS? Are there any “important” indicators that are not routinely collected?
What is feasible? – Ownership and utility of data – Data quality, verification Frequency of abstraction – Quarterly? Semi-annually? – Feedback loop to the data source