1 Word Objective 2: Formatting Content Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 Certification Prep Story/Walls
MOS 2010 Word Objective 22 Apply Font and Paragraph Attributes Ribbon and Shortcut Methods: Apply character attributes Apply styles Use the Format Painter to copy formatting Cut and paste text Copy and paste text 2
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 23 Navigate and Search Through a Document Ribbon and Shortcut Methods: Display the Navigation Pane Use the Navigation Pane to browse document headings Use the Navigation Pane to browse document pages Use the Navigation Pane to browse the results of a search Use Go To 3
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 24 Navigate and Search Through a Document (cont) Ribbon and Shortcut Methods (cont): Use the Select Browse Object button Find text Find and replace text Use Replace All Search for and highlight text 4
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 25 Navigate and Search Through a Document (cont) Ribbon and Shortcut Methods (cont): Find and replace formatting Find and replace text with specific formatting Find and replace special characters, formatting, or fields 5
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 26 Apply Spacing Settings to Text and Paragraphs Ribbon and Shortcut Methods: Set line spacing Set paragraph spacing Apply alignment 6
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 277 Create Tables Ribbon Methods: Create a table using the Insert Table Dialog Box Create a table using the Table Button and Grid Draw a table
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 288 Create Tables (cont) Ribbon Methods (cont): Insert a Quick Table Convert text to a table Use a table to control page layout
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 29 Manipulate Tables Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods: Apply Quick Styles to tables Sort content 9
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 210 Manipulate Tables (cont) Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods (cont): Add a row to a table Add a column to a table Merge table cells Split table cells Move columns and rows Resize columns and rows Delete columns and rows 10
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 211 Manipulate Tables (cont) Ribbon, Mouse, and Shortcut Methods (cont): Define the header row Convert tables to text View gridlines 11
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 212 Format Lists Ribbon and Shortcut Methods: Apply bullets to existing text Select a new symbol format for bullets Define a picture to be used as a bullet 12
Story/WallsMOS 2010 Word Objective 213 Format Lists (cont) Ribbon and Shortcut Methods (cont): Use AutoFormat to create a bulleted, numbered, or multilevel List Demote and promote list items Sort list items 13