 REPORT Cost Center’s Uncapitalized Tangible Property Inventory Report (PCS #3-2918) is completed any time after the fiscal year begins by conducting.


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Presentation transcript:

 REPORT Cost Center’s Uncapitalized Tangible Property Inventory Report (PCS #3-2918) is completed any time after the fiscal year begins by conducting a physical inventory of all uncapitalized equipment and submitting the Report no later than October 31 st NOTE: If October 31 st falls during a weekend, it must be submitted no later than the last business day prior to the 31 st  SPREADSHEET Detailed accounting of all uncapitalized equipment maintained on an active electronic computer program (Auditing and Property Records recommends Excel)

Uncapitalized Technology (UT)  Any equipment with internet capability, includes desktop computers, laptops, netbooks and tablets  Will be labeled with a 300 series property number (unless a district tag number was once assigned) and is tracked in the TERMS Fixed Asset System Uncapitalized Non-Technology (N)  Any other equipment, including, but not limited to, items such as musical instruments, furniture, printers, LCD projectors, maintenance equipment, athletic equipment  Will be labeled with an identification number assigned by the cost center (unless a district tag number was once assigned) and is not tracked in the TERMS Fixed Asset System What is Uncapitalized Equipment?  Tangible fixed assets with a historic cost of $300 to $  Defined in two categories:

 A physical inventory of uncapitalized equipment is to be conducted annually and reconciled by school/department staff after July 1st  To make the physical inventory manageable in larger schools/departments, inventory can be conducted by several staff members, for example; divide equipment by grade level, by department (math, science, music), or by type of equipment (plant operations, technology)

Each item shall be accounted for on a separate line to include:  Identification number (tag, label, school assigned)  Description of item  Serial/Model number  Physical location (such as building/room)  Cost or value at date of acquisition (include a PO number or donation date)  If items are removed from inventory, include date and reason for removal (surplus, cannibalized, transfer to new cost center)  Clearly identify items added and removed/deleted throughout the year Without an updated spreadsheet, the annual report cannot be completed accurately!

 Refer to your last year’s Cost Center’s Uncapitalized Tangible Property Inventory Report and current year inventory spreadsheets to complete the annual report  Cost Center’s Uncapitalized Tangible Property Inventory Report (PCS Form ) is completed and electronically submitted to Auditing and Property Records no later than October 31st of each year  When the report is submitted, a copy of the spreadsheet is to be backed up in the Shared Folder on the district network

The Report Refer to last year’s Report ( ) to complete this section Refer to the sample spreadsheet for the current year’s figures ( ) used to complete this section

Taken from last year’s ending inventory SAMPLE SPREADSHEET Current Fiscal Year

Does it balance? Are formulas correct? Check… Does the formula include all the cells you need? Check… Do the math:

 Back up your file to the Shared Folder on the district network  Remove highlighting from the new items to incorporate them into current inventory  Permanently remove the deleted items from the spreadsheet STEPS TO UPDATE A SPREADSHEET You are now ready for new activity!


Report is due no later than October 31 st of every year (if October 31 st falls on a weekend, submit it on the prior business day) Submit your Report electronically via to Erica Wieland, Clerk Specialist II When your Report is submitted, back up your spreadsheet in the Shared Folder on the district network