FIN SVCS 05/081
Current Travel Insurance Policy ACE American Insurance Company Covers travel of students, employees, and guests of the University while they are on University business Coverage begins at start of trip More of an Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policy Premium paid annually by University 2FIN SVCS 05/08
ACE Policy Coverage Class 1All students, faculty, and guests of BYU-Idaho participating in University sponsored travel (not class 2 or 3) Class 2All students and faculty supervisors traveling to, from and while participating in University Activities Class 3Members of the Alumni Association traveling to, from and while participating in University sponsored activities Coverage Limits AD & D Benefits (Class 1 & 2) AD & D Benefits (Class 3) $250,000 $25,000 Air Benefit (Class 1 & 2)$350,000 $10,000,000 per accident Accident Medical (Class 2 & 3)$10,000 FIN SVCS 05/083
New International Travel Insurance Policy HM Life Insurance Company Administered by HTH Worldwide Does not cover alumni No coverage within the USA No preexisting conditions Can also purchase coverage for dependants and spouse if going on the trip Charged per usage FIN SVCS 05/084
HTH Worldwide Resources Websites for students, parents, and participants Get up-to-date details on health and security risks, emergency numbers, necessary immunizations, notable hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and doctors Lookup brand name and generic drugs and their names in that country Translate medical terms Review physicians profiles FIN SVCS 05/085
Premiums Premium rates (Minimum of 2 weeks purchased at a time) COVERAGE IS MANDATORY FOR ALL STUDENTS THAT ARE TRAVELING INTERNATIONALLY Sponsoring department can pay the premium or Can build the premium into the price of the tour ParticipantSpouseChildChildren Weekly$7.24$21.71$10.86$21.71 Monthly$27.50$82.50$41.25$82.50 FIN SVCS 05/086
UniCare Policy Coverage Coverage Limits Medical Expenses Lifetime Maximum Benefit$1,000,000 Policy Year Maximum Benefit$250,000 Maximum Benefit per Injury or Sickness $250,000 AD & D$10,000 Repatriation of Remains$25,000 Medical Evacuation$100,000 Bedside Visit$1,500 FIN SVCS 05/087 $0 Deductible
Reporting Requirements for Usage Current Policy (ACE) Annually report total number eligible to travel (Financial Services takes care of this) New Policy (HTH Worldwide) Minimum of 30 days before departure, complete and submit form to Financial Services (Department responsible) FIN SVCS 05/088
Summary ACE Master Travel policy is more for AD & D New policy (HTH Worldwide) covers medical expenses including illness New policy does not cover anything inside the USA New policy does not cover Alumni Can get Certificates of Insurance for both policies FIN SVCS 05/089