Photoshop CS4 Made Easy Tutorial
Screen Layout Tools Window -left click and hold for sub selections Options Window Viewing Additional Palettes -additional palettes are listed under the window menu
Creating New Documents 1. Select File---New off the main menu bar
PhotoShop Tools Red Eye Removal Tool 1. Open “red_eye.jpg 2. Zoom in on photo using the Magnifying Glass 3. Select the Red Eye Removal Tool 4. Click on the eye to remove red eye glare
Saving Photoshop Files 1. Select File—Save As 2. Enter an appropriate file name 3. Choose either the.JPEG, GIF, or PSD format -GIF is best for line drawing or images with large areas of solid colors -JPEG is best for photographs or images with lots of colors -PSD should be used for unfinished work 4. Save file into you H: drive
PhotoShop Tools Cropping Tool Objective: Resize image and crop out unwanted elements View Video Open “cropping.jpg” from vol 1: directory Select the crop tool Crop or rotate the image as needed. Click the check to “commit” the operation Save in your portfolio as “cropping.jpg”
PhotoShop Tools Spot Healing Brush Tool Objective: Remove items from a picture Open Spot Healing Brush Image 1 and 2 Zoom in with the magnifying glass Click on the band-aid on the toolbar and select the Spot Healing Brush Tool This tool does not require you to hold the ALT key down Adjust the brush diameter from the option bar to brush size of 8 Make the pictures on the left look like the picture on the right by washing out elements of the image with you mouse Use the healing brush tool to copy the bungee jumper onto the water fall image Save both images to your portfolio as Spot Healing Brush 1 and 2
PhotoShop Tools Healing Brush Tool Objective: Remove Wrinkles and Skin Blemishes Video LinkVideo Link Open “healing.jpg” Select the healing brush tool. Be careful not to select the spot healing brush tool. They look the same Choose a small sized brush diameter from the option bar Zoom in on the photography Hold the ALT key down and click on a bright colored pigment tone. This will select a pigment tone and now you can just use the mouse to click and wash out any wrinkles, scars, or dark colors under the eyes Save as “healing.jpg”
PhotoShop Tools Patch Tool Open “patch tool.jpg” Use the patch tool to select an area that needs fixed Drag the selection to another area of the image with better quality Save As “patch tool.jpg” to your portfolio
Clone Stamp Tool: Removing Unwanted Objects Open empirestate.jpg Use close stamp tool to remove unwanted elements
Healing Tools Practice Go to Google Images and complete a search for “Faces” Save some image to your student drive before opening them in Photoshop Practice using the Healing Tools on these images
PhotoShop Tools Adjustment Panels Objective: Make photo appear old and washed out Open “barn.jpg” from vol 1 Choose Image <> Adjustments <>Black and White Adjust To Black and White Add a yellow Photo Filter Adjust Vibrance to even the yellow color out Adjust to Levels to lighten Ctrl, Alt, and Z to undo
Add A Blur Filter from the menu bar Save As “barn.jpg” to your portfolio PhotoShop Tools Adjustment Panels Continued
Open Spot Healing_Girl.jpg Select Spot healing brush tool Adjust brush size and feathering options Fix blemishes Select the lasso tool and lasso the hairline Next select the “Quick Selection Tool” and make adjustments to your selected area using the shift and alt. key Select Image <>Adjustments <> Variations to change hair color Save as Spot healing_girl PhotoShop Tools lasso Tool
Adjustment Panels Teeth Whitening Objective: To use adjustment layers to whiten the yellow teeth Open “Teeth_whitening.jpg” from Vol1 Zoom in on the area you want to fix Use the lasso tool to select the the outline of the teeth. Be sure not to select the gums. Adjust further as necessary with with the quick selection tool Go to menu bar and select Image>>>Adjustment>>>Levels and drag the output adjustment to the right or Image>>>Adjustments>>>Hue/Saturation. Drag the saturation slider to the left Drag the output adjustment to the right. Save the image as “ teeth.jpg” when finished
Filter Practice Find an image on Google Images and experiment with the filter menu Use Edit-Step Backwards after each effect to start over
Layering Black and White Coloring Open blacknwhite_Color.jpg for vol1 directory Rich click the background layer and select duplicate layer Rename the layer black and white Select/Highlight the background layer Remove the color using the adjustment panel Select eraser tool and erase the middle strawberry color When finished, select Layer > Flatten Image Save as black and white.jpg
Layering Text Tool Open Text Tool Image.jpg Select Text Tool Select Color From Color Palette Type “Split Rock Lighthouse”
Layering Text Tool Continued Double Click On Lighthouse Layer to activate Layer Style Window Adjust “Layer Style Window” Save as text tool image
Layers Exercise Open layers1.psd Open layer window Checkerboard indicates transparency Rename the layers Drag the layers to see how they overlap Compose image so red sphere is behind the robot and the blue cube is in front of the street
Layering and Masking Open flag bearer.jpg and mountain.jpg Position windows so you can see both Select the magic wand tool and shift-click to select all the blue areas Choose—”Inverse” from the “ Select”menu Use the move tool and drag the figure onto the mountain Repeat the steps and drag a second and 3 rd figure over. Rotate each figure as necessary Adjust opacity as necessary Note the layers
Selection Tools Create a collage using a black and white background with colored images pasted into accompanying layers Open the Following Images: old fashion.jpg barn.jpg tractor.jpg
Use the Lasso tool and Lasso the girl from the “old fashion.jpg” image Right Click on Girl and select “Layer via Copy” Remove the “Eye” from the Background Layer in Layer Palette Use the Eraser tool to remove additional color from around the girl Use the Lasso tool to again select girl Or Use the quick selection tool and make sure the (-) is selected off option bar Select the picture and choose the inverse Copy and Paste the girl’s image to the barn OR Use move tool and Drag Image to Tab and Back Repeat the same process with the tractor Save the image composition as “Farm Scene” Selection Tools Cont.
Mr. Potatohead Practice Open the mr_potatohead _body parts. psd and mr_Potatohead sample.jpg Directions: Recreate the sample image on a blank document using the layering technique
Before and After Inside the Photoshop Image folder in the vol1 directory, you will find an additional folder titled “Before and After.” Open this folder Choose one picture that you wish to work with Before starting. Save this picture as the file name “before.jpg” to you portfolio folder Directions: Make a minimum of 5 subtle adjustments to this picture. These should be the type of adjustments that are difficult to pick out. You may find the healing brush tools and the clone tool useful for this. When completed, save this image as “after.jpg” to your portfolio. Have another students look at your “before” image and then your “after” image and try to guess the adjustments you made.
Student Images Tips -Selection Brush Tools -Clone Tool -Layer via Copy or Cut -Filter>Liquify Controls -Edit>Transform>Warp Controls -Image>Adjustments Tools
Replacing Elements Exercise Use the photo of the office and replace the following elements outdoor view computer background Wall picture Table top picture Save as “office.jpg”
Photoshop Composition Make a realistic composition by combining 3 images into one. Tricks: Warp: Edit>Transform>Warp Liquify: Filter>Liquify Save Your Final Composite As “Composition”
Sample Composition
Monster Make Up Kit Resources are located in worksheet folder
What is a Banner "Banner Images" (or simply "banners") are commonly used on websites and presentations as the title or top of a page. Banners are usually very flashy in nature, and are meant to catch the immediate attention of the visitor. View Samples
Creating Banners Open The 4 Banner Images From the the Vol1 Drive Resize each image to a width of 250 px Create a New 8.5x11 inch Transparent Document Fill background in with paintbucket Lasso and copy each picture onto banner Adjust opacity Create title “Photoshop Portfolio” Crop picture with rectangle or crop shape Save as “Banner”