Acupuncture: Ancient Treatment for Modern Illnesses
Acupuncture: Ancient Treatment for Modern Illnesses Chinese medicine dates back nearly 3 thousand years, and entered the United States in the 1700’s, but only became well known in the mid 1970’s. Chinese medical theory is founded in the concept of yin-yang. Yin is considered feminine energy and yang masculine energy.
Principles of Chinese Medicine Chinese medicine works to balance the chi (chee) energy in the body. Chinese medicine seeks to keep the body’s female (yin) and male (yang) energies balanced. The goal of each treatment is to increase depleted yin or yang or to eliminate excess yin or yang.
What is Chi? Chi is translated as “life force energy” or “life activity.” Chinese medicine believes that health is a function of a balanced, harmonious flow of chi and that illness results when there is a blockage or imbalance in the flow of chi. Chi flows through energetic pathways called meridians.
Illnesses, Pain, and Disease From a TCM Health Perspective Qi nourishes your entire body When the flow of Qi is disrupted, Illnesses, pain and disease can occur An acupuncturist detects and corrects an imbalance of Qi Therapeutic techniques restore the proper quality, quantity, balance and flow of Qi When Qi is balanced and flowing throughout your body, there is health!
WHAT IS YIN AND YANG? Yang Yin Yang, represented by the white in the symbol, stands for the creative principle, while Yin, represented by the black, is dissolution and return (to creation). The Yin & Yang forces are believed to be cyclical, moving and evolving into each other, represented by the white dot on the black yin side of the symbol, and by the black dot on the white yang side. Male The Sun Dry Creation Loud Night Yang Light Completion Wet Cold Yin Winter Darkness Day Female Hot Summer The Moon Quiet
FIVE ELEMENTS The five elements support and build upon each other Each of the body’s five organ networks corresponds with a particular element Heart/Small intestine with fire Spleen/Stomach with earth Lungs/Large Intestine with metal Kidneys/Bladder with water Liver/Gallbladder with wood
What are Meridians? Meridians are invisible lines where the chi (life energy) flows. (They are like veins on subtle body). Different meridians correspond with specific organs or organ systems The body has been mapped with these meridians that pass through organs or organ systems
Meaning of symptoms According to Chinese Medicine Symptoms are seen as signs of trouble somewhere in the flow of energy (chi) Symptoms are seen as a part of a larger picture or pattern affecting the whole person
MERIDIANS Acupuncture is based on the theory of meridians. This theory says that the human Chi (vital energy) and the human blood circulate in the body by a system of channels which is called meridians. By stimulating certain points on the body reached by needles, the Chi can flow and the body diseases are treated. These stimulation points are called Acupuncture points.
Electro-magnetic pen Without needle. ACUPOINT TREASURE Electro-magnetic pen Without needle. Easy to use Performance: Release Qi blockages & Promote blood circulation Principles: Flow ~ no pain Pain ~ no flow
WHY IS ACUPOINT TREASURE SO POPULAR? Safe and easy to operate Results are rapid and reliable without side effects Applied the traditional acupuncture principle Enhances well-being and promotes self healing Cell rejuvenation and release muscle tension Calming effect on acute and chronic symptoms Aesthetic application Promote lymphatic drainage Increase metabolism/ circulation Reduce joints/muscles inflammation Decrease accumulation of toxic in the muscular/skeletal system Increase circulation to delicate facial tissues Stimulate / revive collagen activities Promote elasticity of the skin Junior usage: tummy ache, sinus
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Gita Vadhwana: Anti-Aging Consultant YOUR KEY TO HEALTH AND WEALTH For more information Please contact: Gita Vadhwana: Anti-Aging Consultant Web: