Welcome to Curriculum Night September 24, 2009 Orchard School Rm 45 Mrs. Forrest
Our Kids We are in this TOGETHER……. “It takes a village to raise a child” Mrs. Forrest ex 445
Family/School Partnership Interest Attendance Ready with supplies Organization Check planner, power school, and school website Consistent homework area and time
When one support is missing… Parent Teacher Student
Teaching Philosophy California State Standard based curriculum Rigor, Relevence, and Respect ( the 3 Rs) Fair and Consistent Responsibility
Teaching Philosophy Con’t Addressing all types of learners Auditory-verbalize Visual-written/pictures Kinesthetic-model,movement
Teaching Philosophy Con’t Learning through: Positive interdependence-collaboration Pair/share Heads together Gallery walks Stray (one person leads) Individual accountability Equal participation Class cards, team leaders, class jobs Teacher modeling Direct instruction
Remember… Education is a Journey… NOT A RACE
Positive Behavior Expectations Be Respectful During instruction stay focused Remain quiet while others are sharing No put-downs, negative statements to others Be Responsible Be on time and prepared for class Stay on task and be here mentally Stay seated, raise your hand Decide, commint,succeed
Consequences Warning Call home Citations Referrals Community service to the school
Positive Consequences Free time Extra points Blue tickets= treats Marbles filled-movie day
Parent Volunteers Field trip chaperones School day activities Donation of classroom supplies Copy paper, binder paper, markers, highlighters, kleenex, baby wipes, white board markers, vis a vis pens 8 th grade dance Decorations, chaperones
8 th grade Social Studies United States History Topics covered this year –Colonial and Revolutionary Periods –The Constitution (big project with this topic) –The American Political System –The Ideals of the New Nation –Foreign Policy in the Early 1800s –The Northeast –The West –Struggles over Slavery (Roots mini-series, project) –The Civil War (big project with this topic) –The Reconstruction Era –The Industrial Revolution
Social Studies Grading Interactive Student Notebook/notes, worksheets- 50% of grade Projects- 20 % of grade Participation/behavior-10 % of grade Tests/quizzes- 20 % of grade Late work is not accepted
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) The Mission of AVID The mission of AVID is to ensure that ALL students, and most especially the least served students who are in the middle: will succeed in rigorous curriculum, will succeed in rigorous curriculum, will complete a rigorous college preparatory path, will complete a rigorous college preparatory path, will enter mainstream activities of the school, will enter mainstream activities of the school,
AVID Mission con’t will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, and will become educated and responsible participants and will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society. and leaders in a democratic society. AVID’s systemic approach is AVID’s systemic approach is designed to support students and educators as they increase schoolwide/districtwide learning and performance.
A Week in AVID MONDAY and WEDNESDAY AVID Curriculum –AVID Curriculum includes: Strategies for Success Strategies for Success College and Careers College and Careers Writing Curriculum Writing Curriculum Oral language/public speaking Oral language/public speaking Note-taking practice (Cornell Notes) Note-taking practice (Cornell Notes) Test preparation Test preparation Research Research WICR activities WICR activities
WICR Writing Learning Logs/Journals Learning Logs/Journals Cornell Notes Cornell Notes Pre write Pre write Draft Draft Respond Respond Revise Revise Edit Edit Final Draft Final DraftCollaboration Group Projects Group Projects Study Groups Study Groups Jigsaw Activities Jigsaw Activities Read- Around Read- Around Response/Edit/Revision Groups Response/Edit/Revision Groups Collaborative Activities Collaborative Activities
WICR con’t Inquiry Skilled Questioning Skilled Questioning Socratic Seminars Socratic Seminars Quick-write/Discussion Quick-write/Discussion Critical Thinking Activities Critical Thinking Activities Writing Questions Writing Questions Open-Mindedness Activities Open-Mindedness ActivitiesReading SQ5R (Survey/Question/Read, SQ5R (Survey/Question/Read, Record, Recite, Review, Reflect) KWL( What I Know/Want to KWL( What I Know/Want toLearn/Learned) Reciprocal Teaching Reciprocal Teaching “Think-aloud” “Think-aloud”
A Week in AVID con’t TUESDAY AND THURSDAY Tutorials –Tutorials include: Collaborative study groups Collaborative study groups Problem solving Problem solving Note-taking (Cornell Notes) Note-taking (Cornell Notes) Higher-level thinking questions Higher-level thinking questions WICR strategies WICR strategies Reflection and evaluation Reflection and evaluation
A Week in AVID con’t FRIDAY Binder Evaluation Field Trips Media Center Speakers Motivational Activities
Grading for AVID AVID Curriculum- 30% Binder/Organization-20%Projects-20%Tutorials-20% Participation/Behavior- 10% Late work is not accepted
8 th grade Language Arts Reading Writing Language Conventions Listening/Speaking Skills
Reading Textbook: Language of Literature/Interactive Reader Novels Articles Accelerated Reading Program Reading Logs Library
Writing/Language Conventions Textbook: Language Network Reading Log Journal The Write Tools 6 traits plus 1 6 traits plus 1 IdeasIdeas OrganizationOrganization VoiceVoice Word choiceWord choice Sentence fluencySentence fluency ConventionsConventions Presentation of workPresentation of work Essays
Listening and Speaking Skills Go slow to go far Reporting out Reporting out Groups Groups Pairs Pairs Individual Individual Short to long Short to long Guided Scary ……yes……but practice makes perfect
Language Arts Grading Class work – 20% Projects – 20% Reading Log/Reading Journal/ Accelerated Reading – 20% Accelerated Reading – 20% Test/Quizzes – 20 % Homework – 10 % Participation/Behavior- 10 % Late work is not accepted