Beginning of the Industrial Revolution HSLPS * Global III * Mr. McEntarfer.


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Presentation transcript:

Beginning of the Industrial Revolution HSLPS * Global III * Mr. McEntarfer

Aim: How did the Industrial Revolution begin? Do Now: What changes took place in how cloth was produced between the picture 1 and 2?

The Industrial Revolution Period beginning around 1750 in which the means of producing products went from hand made at home to machine made at a factory.

Agrarian (Agricultural) Revolution Technology changed the way people farmed. Fertilizers and inventions like the seed drill dramatically increased food production Enclosure movement – Forced small farmers off common lands and created large farms which were more productive. Effects –Larger food surpluses created a population explosion –Small farmers were forced to move to the city and found work in factories. Rapid urbanization.

Cause and Effect Agrarian Revolution – Larger food surpluses Better food production – Can feed more people. Population Explosion Faster Production of products (goods) Energy Revolution – Steam Engine Industrial Revolution More demand for products (goods)

In order to industrialize you must have: C.L.I.N.T.S C – Capital $$$ L – Labor Supply I – Increased Demand N – Natural Resources T – Transportation S – Stable Government

Capital – No $, No Business. Investments Bank loans

Labor Supply  The population explosion and urbanization (people moving from the country to the city) created a large work force for the factories.

Increased Demand The population explosion created an increase in demand for products. No customers, no business $$$.

Natural Resources Needed to make fuel, products, factories and machines. Coal and iron were most desirable. Why?

Transportation > Railroad Boom Provided an inexpensive way to transport raw materials, manufactured products to markets and created new jobs

Stable Government A country must be free of problems to start a successful economy. Revolution and civil unrest target industry and discourage investment.

Activity Create a visual graphic organizer on what is required for a nation to industrialize. Refer to your notes – CLINTS and visuals from the power point Create 1 visual depicting each factor in CLINTS

Factors promoting Industrialization LINTSC

Aim: Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain? Do Now: Look at the map. Why doesn’t Nike build a factory in Afghanistan?

Factors of Production Britain had all the resources needed to produce goods and services, including land, labor and capital

Abundant Natural Resources Britain had the natural resources needed for industrialization: water power, coal, iron ore, rivers, and harbors

Stable Government Enabled Britain to devote its energies and resources to economic expansion, industrialization and overseas trade. Peace and prosperity created a climate for progress. The rest of Europe was torn by wars of Napoleon and revolution.

How did Great Britain benefit from her geography during the Napoleonic Wars?

What is essential to having a great business? Location, location, location. Great Britain benefited from having a great location. It had great access to the sea allowing for easy exporting and importing.

Great Britain had a huge overseas empire to trade with, open new markets and draw labor from.

Activity Answer Documents on handout. Use documents and answers to respond to essay question.

Instructional Objectives Describe the causes of the Industrial Revolution. Explain what factors are needed for a country to industrialize. Explain how Great Britain led the way in the Industrial Revolution. Respond to DBQ’s and incorporate them into a mini essay.