Ghost girl guards rink! By Emma Munroe
ALL ABOUT THE RINK! The size of the rink is about 14 meters long. The colour of the rink is green and white. There is a lot of skating marks on the ground. There black marks on the walls of the rink!
ALL ABOUT THE CAPS FAMILY! Jordan is the husband Sydney is the wife Joshia is one of the kids (boy) Jared is one of the kids to(boy Bella is one of the kids to(girl) And last but not least is Annabelle is another of the kids(girl)
Things what happen when the camera turned off. Annabelle chased after me thinking I was her lunch. Bella came chasing Kennedi and she was so scared her hair flew up. The twin girls (Annabelle and Bella) were having a big fight about how they died cause they killed each other.
HOW THEY DIED! Bella died by getting pushed in front of a car Annabelle pushed her nobody know that because she was a soul. Bella died by getting pushed in a river Bella pushed her she was still human and Annabelle was to Before she got pushed in the river drowning.
HOW THERE PARENTS NEVER KNEW THEY HAD A NOTHER CHILD? Bella's mom never knew that she had a another kid because there real mom died from having Annabelle. There dad told him self he would never get a another wife but he lied. He couldn't stand with no wife so he got another wife. Bella took Annabelle when she was a new born and thru the river Bella's dad totally forgot about Annabelle cause there was so much on his mind. He couldn't think.
THANK YOU FOR WACTHING!! Thank you for watching so much Hope u enjoyed the slide.