Hubble Space Telescope By Greg Leon
Wait, what is it? HHHHubble Space Telescope (HST) IIIIt takes sharp, detailed images DDDDesigned in 1970 LLLLaunched in 1990
Some Facts… Length: 43.5 ft Width: 14 ft Weight: 12 tons Travels at 17,500 mi/hr Will last for 20 years from start Cost: $2,200,000,000
Who’s running it? (main people) Keith Noll Howard Bond Carol Christian Lisa Frattare Forrest Hamilton Zolt Levay
What are the parts?
You wanna interact with HST? hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... ssss pppp aaaa cccc eeee tttt eeee llll eeee ssss cccc oooo pppp eeee.... oooo rrrr gggg //// gggg oooo oooo dddd iiii eeee ssss //// iiii nnnn tttt eeee rrrr aaaa cccc tttt iiii vvvv eeee ____ hhhh uuuu bbbb bbbb llll eeee //// iiii nnnn dddd eeee xxxx.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll YYYYou can see all the different parts of HST with descriptions
5/23/06 – Group of 5 star-like images; zoom to see more detail zoom 1/11/06 – Very detailed picture of Orion Nebula; zoom to see more detail zoom Info Collected…
Reflecting and Refracting Telescopes Yea, uh, also by me, same person as before, Greg Leon
Refracting Telescopes GGGGalileo Galilei made it in the early 1600’s RRRRefracts/Bends light at each end with lenses 3333 main parts are the tube and the 2 lenses CCCCriticized for making things look round, air bubbles getting stuck in the glass, color fringing, and dimming
Reflecting Telescopes Uses both curved and flat mirrors to reflect light and form an image Niccolo Zucchi created the main idea in 1616, but had trouble with the mirrors making him quit Sir Isaac Newton then perfected in 1670 Traditional one is known as Newtonian reflector
Bibliography "Hubble Space Telescope." Wikipedia Wikipedia. Rydal. 30 May King, Henry C. The History of the Telescope. New York: Dover Publications, "Telescope." Wikipedia Wikipedia. Rydal. 4 June "The Hubble Heritage Project." Space Telescope Science Institute. Space Telescope Science Institute. 31 May "The Hubble Space Telescope." Main Hubble Page. 5 Dec NASA. 31 May Voit, Mark. Hubble Space Telescope : New Views of the Universe. New York: Harry N Abrams,