STUDY HALL Sit quietly in your assigned seats
Warm Up 1. Think about 3 things you do EVERYDAY – brush teeth, eat, and bathe! 2. Describe how you would do these things in space? Would you have to do them differently?
Volunteers Who wants to share?
This morning did you….. Brush your teeth? 32p8 32p8 Eat food? 8qA 8qA Wash your face with a wet cloth? OY OY
Today’s agenda… You will be using chromebooks to investigate space exploration Specifically you will explore galaxies, probes, the International Space Station and the Hubble telescope You will be taking notes and watching various video resources to compete a questionnaire The other side of the worksheet will be completed for homework
If the slide says…. Write in notebook = take notes directly into your notebook Read = read the information on the slide Look At = view the information on the slide
Write in Your Notebook There are millions of galaxies in the Universe Each galaxy has its own solar system We are in the Milky Way galaxy Earth is about 4.5 Billion years old (tested rock samples)
Write in Your Notebook Through Space Exploration we have: a.Landed probes on Mars and Venus and sent probes past Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus b.Built an International Space Station c.Built a Hubble Telescope
Write in Your Notebook Space Probes: Spacecraft that travels and drops into a planet’s atmosphere Has no astronauts onboard Collects scientific information and sends it back to scientists on Earth
READ: Space Probes over Time Sputnik 1: 1 st probe to go into space. It was launched on Oct. 4, 1957, by the former Soviet Union. Explorer 1: Jan. 31, 1958, the United States sent a probe into space. These first probes studied Earth from space. They also learned what it's like to be in space. This was the beginning of the Space Race between the United States and Soviet Union.
LOOK AT: Space Probes over Time Sputnik Explorer 1
Write in Your Notebook International Space Station (Known as ISS) A combined effort of 15 different countries Astronauts live there for months to conduct research
Read : Interesting ISS Facts The size of a football field Weighs 924,739 pounds. Has more livable room than a conventional six-bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, a gymnasium and a 360-degree bay window.
Write in Your Notebook Telescopes: Instruments to collect electromagnetic (light) radiation Allows us to see far away objects in space 1 st telescope invented over 400 years ago
Read : Hubble Telescope Orbits Earth and distant objects within our Solar System and Universe.
Read: Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery Hubble Space Telescope on board April 24, 1990
Write In Your Notebook NASA Spinoffs: Technology developed for NASA and astronauts BUT now benefits us on Earth! MicrowavesTV Satellite Dishes Hand held calculatorsBar Coding Ear ThermometersMemory Foam
Stop and Read… Before you begin to view the videos on the following slides, you will need to obtain a worksheet from your teacher Raise your hand now to obtain your worksheet Remember you are answering questions as you view the videos listed in order of each slide The back of the worksheet is homework
Watch: Video on Galaxies What is a Galaxy? QFf8 QFf8
Read and Watch: Space Probes Today NASA's Voyager 1: 1 st human-made object to travel beyond the solar system 36-years-old About 12 billion miles from our sun. Voyager Probe: SVg SVg
Watch: Space Station Kids: ISS Click on each tab to answer the questions: – International Space Station – What’s outer space like – Life in Space – Just for fun….take the quiz and see how you do!
Watch: Hubble Telescope Video ByiA ByiA
Read: Telescope: Fermi-Gamma-ray Space Telescope -Has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way that spans 50,000 light years and maybe the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.
Look at: Spitzer Space Telescope
Look at: NASA’s Fleet of “Great Observatories” 1.Chandra X-ray Observatory
Read: Info about Chandra The X- ray Observatory Chandra allows scientists from around the world to obtain X-ray images of exotic environments to help understand the structure and evolution of the universe.
Look at: De-orbited Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
Research to find out…. write in notebook True or False: Astronauts experience muscle atrophy (decrease in muscle mass) while in space True or False: Astronauts experience deterioration of bones (bone loss of up to 1%) while in space True or False: Astronauts experience cardiovascular system problems such as decreased red blood cell production while in space True or False An astronaut’s immune system gets weaker while in space True or False: Astronauts commonly experience nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, and excess gas while in space
Watch if time permits: more ISS videos tour-with-suni-williams-video-show.html tour-with-suni-williams-video-show.html
Watch if time permits : Video on ISS cqk cqk