ASML Inventors goes global!! Join our project and inspire young inventors for a future in science & technology!
The Inventors project Introduction round Project explanation Role ambassadors in project Fundraising Project execution Matching round ambassadors Next steps
The Inventors project Project explanation Role ambassadors in project Fundraising Project execution Matching round ambassadors Next steps
The Inventors project Mission/Goal – Enthuse young children all over the world for a future in Science & Technology Method – Engage youngsters in an adventure (The Inventors and The Wheel of the Sun), inspiring them to design and build objects contributing to a sustainable environment – Organize an international inventors contest for all participating children – Execute in school classes (age group 11-12) on 3 continents, in 11 countries
The adventure
Example assignment: solar tower
Example inventors contest
Project organization Project coördinators ASML Yvonne Dirks, Esther Kemps, Gwendolyn Maas Country team US NL based: you?! US based: who?! School teachers in US Country team Taiwan NL based: you?! Taiwan based: who?! School teachers in Taiwan Country team Singapore NL based: you?! Singapore based: who?! School teachers in Singapore Country team Malaysia NL based: you?! Singapore based: who?! School teachers in Malaysia Country team Korea NL based: you?! Korea based: who?! School teachers in Korea Country team China NL based: you?! China based: who?! School teachers in China Country team Hong- Kong NL based: you?! Honk-Kong based: who?! School teachrs in Hong-Kong Country team Ireland NL based: you?! Irelandbased: who?! School teachers in Ireland Country team Germany NL based: you?! Germany based: who?! School teachers in Germany Country team France NL based: you?! France based: who?! School teachers in France Country team Netherlands NL based: you?! School teachers in The Neterlands Project coördinators The Inventors Foundation Hugo Vrijdag, Chris Voets Project coördination of ASML team in close cooperation with the Inventors Foundation 11 country ambassadors (ASML Veldhoven employees) working closely with in-country contacts executing the project in 2 school classes Overview countries: work in progress/ to be confirmed
Project planning 1/2 September – November 2014 – recruit country ambassadors in the Netherlands – fundraising activities October 2014 – February 2015 – recruit in-country partners and schools – translate teaching materials into target languages
Project planning 2/2 February 2015 – November 2015 – perform in-school activities (appr. 9 hours per school-class) February 2015 – November 2015 – enable all children sending in their invention online (in English) for the ASML inventors contest November 2015 – announcement winner of ASML inventors contest
The Inventors project Role ambassadors in project Fundraising Project execution Matching round ambassadors Next steps
Role ambassadors 1/5 Fundraising activities until end of November (optional…): – inform your network and convince them to become donator or buyer of our sponsor products – Tools: website facebook community/ digital flyer
Role ambassadors 2/5 Recruitment of partners (Oct ‘14 – Feb ‘15): – Find partner in target country ASML subsidiary or relatives/friends (HR contacts available via local offices) – Find 2 schools/ teachers willing to execute the project
Role ambassadors 3/5 Translation of teaching materials (Oct ’14-Feb ’15): – Coordinate professional translation work of existing lessons – Translate project communications to target language (interface project coordinators and executers)
Role ambassadors 4/5 Execution project in schools: – Translate project communications to target language (interface project coordinators and executers) – Coordinate logistics (materials, planning) – Instruction teachers by in country partner – Involve, monitor and control execution
Role ambassadors 5/5 Competition/contest in schools: – Motivate in country partners sending in own inventions on a project website – Help them translate main characteristics of inventions to English
The Inventors project Matching round ambassadors Next steps
– Start help fundraising (optional) – Final team commitment clarity on ambassadors per country – Meeting with detailed project information/execution in Discovery Factory (to be scheduled in October)
Ambassador overview (Oct ‘14) ContinentCountryLanguageAmbassador EuropeThe NetherlandsDutchRobbert (tbc) FranceFrenchJuliette More GermanyGermanWilhelm Claussen ItalyItalianSergio Castellani SwedenSwedishRuud Luijs SpainSpanish/ EnglishJavier/ Elena Northern AmericaUSEnglishMieke AsiaChinaChinese Xiaogang/ Tai Ho/ Luxian Tian/ Li Wang/ KoreaKoreanSies TaiwanChineseLilian (tbc) IndiaEnglishJijo/ Gayathri IrancheckMohammad/ Behnaz/ Narges VietnamcheckFrank (tbc) IndonesiaEnglishAlifta
The Inventors project Next steps/ additional info: Translate recruitment flyer for teachers Recruit schools ( Building materials included (free) for 120 children per country (4 boxes) Worksheets/ lessons available for free Translation budget available, if you cannot translate yourself please ask for a quotation before december 1st. December 1st final budget allocation will be made. If possible more building materials can be paid for out of the budget.
The Inventors project Next steps/ additional info: December: confirm schools, start translations (format/ subscriptions forms available) Deadline for finalizing translations: February 1st Project execution in a particular country can start immediately after translation is ready Sending materials to schools and monitor progress See slides 13-16: role of the Ambassador
The Inventors project Questions??
The Inventors project