Flipping the Classroom in an Online MATESOL Course? Christine Bauer- Ramazani Saint Michael's CollegeSaint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont TESOL.


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Presentation transcript:

Flipping the Classroom in an Online MATESOL Course? Christine Bauer- Ramazani Saint Michael's CollegeSaint Michael's College, Colchester, Vermont TESOL 2014 CALL Interest Section Hot Topic: Enhancing Education through Technology Flipping the Classroom in Multiple Contexts (Web cast)Flipping the Classroom in Multiple Contexts 1

1.Do any of you teach online/full-distance courses, e.g. in a graduate program? (Raise your hand.) 2.Have you tried different ways of teaching the content for your online courses? a.Lecture capture (audio/video/screen) b.Lecture notes c.Other Questions to the audience … 2

GSL606: Curriculum & Syllabus Design A graduate course in the online strand of the MATESOL program at Saint Michael’s College Online strand: o A mix of on-campus and distance courses o Summer = on-campus; fall + spring = distance; summer = on-campus o 4 courses (out of 12) = distance courses (3 credits ea.) 4

 Transitioning a partially on-campus/f2f and online/distance course (2012)  to full-distance (2013)  Old course structure:  Alternating weeks o Week 1: F2f class of 100 minutes Traditional class with lecture, cases/situations, elicitation of concepts, small-group exploratory activities, small-group application activities, large-group discussions Summaries and threaded discussions in Learning Management System (LMS) Readings o Week 2: Online only Reviews of documents/applications, threaded discussions, projects, peer reviews  Decide on how to deliver content online 5

Flipped Classroom model adapted for online learning context Experimentation Use of the four PILLARS of FLIPPED LEARNING 1.Flexible Environment— students choose when/where to learn 2.Learning Culture— student- centered, co-construction of knowledge 3.Intentional Content— peer instruction, problem-based learning 4.Professional Educator— monitoring, accountability, formative assessment Source: Flipped Learning Network 2013Flipped Learning Network

7  Orientation meeting-f2f + recorded with lecture capture  Pre-recorded, narrated mini-lectures (~ 20 min.)  Cases/sample situations  Samples of documents (”handouts”)  Online links  Interactive activities online  application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation (Bloom’s taxonomy)

8 Bi-weekly narrated mini- lecture recordings o Resources: lecture capture tool (Tegrity), microphone, PowerPoint slides, links to Internet resources, documents Tasks & Assignments (= Analysis and application)-- to be discussed in the Sharing What you Learned Forum in the LMS o Response to the recording-- prompts, e.g. cases/sample situations in the mini-lecture o Factors to be considered in curriculum design

9  Goals/learning outcomes  Mini-recording  Discussion of samples (SMC-IEP curriculum and other Internet resources)

10  Application  Selection of samples in students’ curriculum area  Analysis/review of samples  Synthesis with information from the readings  Sharing of findings in online discussion forum  Peer reviews

11  Project  synthesis of what has been learned from all sources o mini-lectures o readings o analyses/reviews of applied, interactive tasks o interaction with peers and teacher in threaded discussions o peer reviews

 Merger of face-to- face and online instructions  Increased flexibility— recordings done ahead of time  Focus on students’ learning and formative assessment  Increased student interaction— discussions/activities  Increased flexibility— students work at their own pace  Customized learning  Increased autonomy--more responsibility for learning on the students’ shoulders  Fits with students’ expectations of 21 st century instruction For the teacherFor the students 12

13  More preparation time for the teacher o Video recordings based on prepared scripts o Rehearsing o Searching for/posting content-relevant links and documents o Designing interactive tasks and activities o Monitoring o Assessing  More home/online work  Necessary access to video sources at home For the teacherFor the students

1.Raths, David (2014, Jan. 15). How to make the most of the flipped classroom. Campus Technology.How to make the most of the flipped classroom 2.Raths, David (2014, Jan. 22). Assessing the flipped classroom’s impact on learning. Campus Technology.Assessing the flipped classroom’s impact on learning 3.Schaffhauser, Dian (2013, Nov. 13). Beyond the basics of the flipped classroom.T.H.E. Journal.Beyond the basics of the flipped classroom 4.Flipping your classroom. (2013, Aug.). 21 Things 4 the 21st Century. Flipping your classroom 5.Bolkan, J. (2013, Nov. 19). Report: Half of university faculty have flipped their classroom or will in the next year. Campus Technology.Report: Half of university faculty have flipped their classroom or will in the next year 6.Hamdan, N., & McKnight, P., McKnight, K., & Arfstrom, K. (2013). A review of flipped learning. Flipped Learning Network.A review of flipped learning 7.Herreid, C., & Schiller, N. (2013, May). Case studies and the flipped classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, 42(5), Case studies and the flipped classroom 8.Marshall, Helaine (2013. The Flipped Learning Approach in Adult ESL Classrooms.The Flipped Learning Approach in Adult ESL Classrooms 9.Bergman, J., & Sams, A. (2012, April 27). Flipping the classroom. Excerpt from the book Flip your classroom (2012). International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and ASCD. Tech&Learning.Flipping the classroom 10.7 things you should know about...flipped classrooms. (2012, Feb.). Educause. 7 things you should know about...flipped classrooms 11.Nielsen, L. (2012, Dec. 11). Why the flip’s a flop. The Innovative Educator.Why the flip’s a flop 12.Musallam, Ramsey (2011, Oct. 26). Should you flip your classroom? Edutopia. Should you flip your classroom? 13.de Haan, Jac (2011, Oct. 7). Creating interactive online video using YouTube. Technology with Intention. Creating interactive online video using YouTube 14