|Datum Searching Linguistics Literature By Michiel Thomas,
|Datum Searching Books and Journals Articles ›The Catalogue of Groningen gives no articles, only titles of books and journals! ›(Picarta*), Google Scholar do give articles. ›There are Training Modules for the Groningen Catalogue and Picarta for optimal use. ›But Best Entrance : Bibliographies on the subject/field. ›Libguides from RUG present those bibliographies. ›You can use the open access shelves. 2
|Datum Shelves ›Shelf content on website Arts Library is clickable; printed is available in blue plastic folders in the Arts Library. ›Categories consist of numbers ›36(English).007(historical linguistics) ›and form letters H(Handbook), G.(Encyclopedia). ›So you can browse the shelves from home. By adding a form letter you can for instance find handbooks. ›PS: You cannot find electronic books this way. 3
|Datum Bibliographies ›Give descriptions of scholarly articles from journals on specific disciplines. ›They are not ‘place-bound’ (as a catalogue is). ›Their aim is to be universal and they are collecting world wide. ›They are made by scholars in the field. Title descriptions are added with abstracts and several keywords. 4
|Datum Bibliographies (contin.) ›Electronical bibliographies link through to our own catalogue/databases when the source is available. (Get-it-logo or Rug-link logo) ›Nowadays a lot of content is instantly full-text available by linking electronic journals to those bibliographies. ›It’s not necessary to browse every journal seperately for articles anymore, you just go through all journals in one search by using bibliographies. 5
|Datum Libguides ›Libguides give first entrances in searching for literature in the disciplines. ›Use the ones for Linguistics, Communication and Information sciences, maybe those for Psychology, Pedagogy or even other. ›Libguides give a selection of the bibliographies you could use best for their field. 6
|Datum English in bibliographies ›Scientific/scholarly English is difficult and concise. It’s mostly jargon. ›Orientate yourself towards the right search words in English using handbooks or encyclopedias in the research discipline. Search for synonyms and think narrower or broader about possibilities. ›You can write/export your results electronically to our electronic card-index box, RefWorks. ›Open a Refworks account. 7
|Datum Aids ›(Van Dale) Dictionaries online. ›Encyclopedias, handbooks on the disciplines. ›Internet/Wikis (but be careful!). ›Newspaper database Lexis/Nexis for recent developments/trends. ›RefWorks: electronic cardbox, with style- maker, cite-options, note-makers and the possibility to make your own bibliographies in any style you want. 8
|Datum Instruction page Arts Library. ›TIP: Do use the Arts Library instruction page! ›There you will find Powerpoints and Libguides for all disciplines. ›They are open 24 hours for reference to help keeping you on the right track. 9
|Datum So: use and bookmark this: ›Use Libguides ›Use Instruction pages Library of Arts ›Use Bibliographies first! Picarta only second. ›Use the website of the Library of Arts for browsing through the shelves electronically. 10