The Secret Life of Walter Mitty By: Gaines Bates Colby Miller Rachel Rodenberg
Author: James Thurber James is blind in left eye He was born in 1894 and died in His stories are humorous or, edgy and tense. Many of his stories ridicule people. He worked for the New Yorker Magazine E.E. White helped him get a job there.
Vocabulary Distraught-adj.- very upset;confused. The story left me very distraught. Haggard-adj.-having a worn and tired look The business man looked haggard at the end of the day. Craven-adj.-extremely cowardly. Taking all the credit was very craven.
Vocab. continued Pandemonium-n.- a wild uproar In court there was a wild pandemonium. Disdainful-adj.-showing scorn for someone or something regarded as unworthy. He has disdainful feelings towards the teacher.
Theme The theme of the story is when we daydream we all think of do some great act that brings a lot of fame or imagining yourself pull off a great stunt that in reality not seeming to be possible.
Plot Chart Characters: Walter Mitty, Mrs. Mitty, Lieutenant Berg, Commander, the firing squad,and the Judge Basic Situation: Walter is shopping downtown with his wife. Setting: A cold day in downtown New Millford.
Plot Chart Internal Conflict: Walter is mad that his wife because she is making him go hunt down some new overshoes while she’s getting her hair done. Man vs. Man External Conflict: Walter Mitty has also been accused of murdering Greg Fitzhurst. Complication: During the trial the court was questioning if he could have shot Greg while his right arm was in a sling.
Plot Chart Climax: Walter is released from trial and is waiting for his wife while standing next to a drug store. Resolution: Walter was shot by a firing squad that appears. Protag.: Walter Mitty Mrs.Mitty Antag.: The firing squad Dynamic: Walter Mitty Static: Walter Mitty, Mrs. Mitty
Literary Element is Diction Diction is the choice of words the author uses to show character and to create a different tone and mood for each of Walter’s dreams. When the Commander says “I am not asking you”, to Lieutenant Berg it shows that the Commander is a strict man.
Dig Deeper Throughout the story Walter is daydreaming numerous times. He dreams that he is a doctor doing surgery, in a fighter plane, in court, or about to be shot by a firing squad. He must want more excitement in his life then going shopping with his wife. We all dream about things more exciting or more important in our day to day lives.