Death of a Salesman & The Great Gatsby Good vs. Bad Thesis & How to Connect Examples to Thesis
Is this a Good or Bad Thesis? “The guys dreams are based on money and other people so that is why they fail.” This is BAD because it doesn’t tell who the author is talking about or argue a point. “Both Gatsby from Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Willy from Miller’s The Death of a Salesman struggle to achieve their dream because they fail to understand that money cannot buy love or happiness.”
Is this a Good or Bad Thesis “Fitzgerald and Miller use Gatsby and Willy to prove the American Dream cannot be obtained by living in the past.” This is a GOOD thesis because it makes an argument based off the books we read. This can be debated and is something new that has not been talked about yet.
Is this a Good or Bad Thesis “Relationships based on unrealistic expectations often times fail, look at Willy and Gatsby, they have bad relationships with Biff and Daisy because they put their whole dreams into them to succeed.” This is BAD! It is a run-on, gives too much unneeded information, and doesn’t make a clear argument. You make this thesis a Good one…
How to Connect Quotes & Examples Thesis: “ Fitzgerald and Miller use Gatsby and Willy to prove the American Dream cannot be obtained by living in the past.” Every American grows up believing they can make it in this country. There is a sincere belief that if we work hard then we will make it. The glory days of our youth bring some of the most memorable and promising times in our lives. As we grow older we constantly look to the past and remember how great things used to be. Jay Gatsby recognizes this same feeling as he attempts to recreate the love shared between Daisy and him when they met in Louisville. Gatsby’s success and happiness, his American Dream, is based on gaining Daisy’s love to be with him like it was years ago. Nick explains that Gatsby “wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you,’” then “they were to go back to Louisville and be married from her house-just as if it were five years ago.” (Fitzgerald 116) Gatsby is creating a scenario that is impossible because he is expecting Daisy to forget everything that has happened in the last five years and go back to the past. Daisy confirms this by telling Gatsby, “even alone I can’t say I never loved Tom.” (Fitzgerald 140) The reality is Gatsby cannot erase what has happened since he left Louisville. Remerging into Daisy’s life cannot take away the feelings she has for Tom and make her leave her comfortable lifestyle. Thus, Gatsby proves unsuccessful in his quest to re-kindle the love they had in their past.
What Did You Notice? Established some background thoughts on American Dream first. Used only relevant information from the story to get my point across…DID NOT GIVE A RECAP OF THE WHOLE BOOK Used quotes that fit in to my argument and helped prove my point Explained what the quotes said about recreating the past Used Transitions Used Authors Last name & Page # in Citation
Reminders After quote (Author Last Name & pg. #) (Fitzgerald 93) or (Miller 34) You need a Works Cited pg. for books Do you have more than just quotes in Paragraphs? Are your quotes proving what you want them too? Do you summarize the story or use it to help explain your stance on the stories? (This is your thesis) Are you expressing your own thoughts and ideas? NO “YOU” or “I think” statements