Persuasive Writing Basics It takes a strong and definite position on an issue or advises a particular action. It gives good reasons and supporting evidence to defend the position or recommended action. It considers opposing views. It has enthusiasm and energy from start to finish. Basics It takes a strong and definite position on an issue or advises a particular action. It gives good reasons and supporting evidence to defend the position or recommended action. It considers opposing views. It has enthusiasm and energy from start to finish.
Persuasive Writing Support Your Claim Logical - appeal to reason Emotional - appeal to values Ethical - trustworthy Back up reasons with evidence Facts, Examples, Opinions Support Your Claim Logical - appeal to reason Emotional - appeal to values Ethical - trustworthy Back up reasons with evidence Facts, Examples, Opinions
Persuasive Writing Determine Purpose / Audience Reinforce an existing view Call readers to action Change people ’ s minds Lessen an objection Earn support for a position Determine Purpose / Audience Reinforce an existing view Call readers to action Change people ’ s minds Lessen an objection Earn support for a position
Persuasive Writing Thesis Statement Issue + Position = Thesis Statement could (not)ought (not) must (not)requires must haveshould (not) needswould Thesis Statement Issue + Position = Thesis Statement could (not)ought (not) must (not)requires must haveshould (not) needswould
Persuasive Writing Thesis Statement Cell phones must not become our primary source of communication because it will create a generation that does not know how to communicate face to face. Facebook is a beneficial tool and should be used by all those who wish to strengthen their social bonds with friends and family. Thesis Statement Cell phones must not become our primary source of communication because it will create a generation that does not know how to communicate face to face. Facebook is a beneficial tool and should be used by all those who wish to strengthen their social bonds with friends and family.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Bad Example: Social networking is important in our society today.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Good Example: Facebook is a beneficial tool and should be used by all those who wish to strengthen their social bonds with friends and family.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Bad Example: People need to stay healthy for several important reasons.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Good Example: Students must get sufficient sleep at night in order to succeed in school.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Arguable, Non-neutral Statement
Developing a Thesis Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Bad Example: America's anti-pollution efforts should be addressed.
Developing a Thesis Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Good Example: America's anti-pollution efforts should focus on privately owned cars because it would allow most citizens to contribute to national efforts and care about the outcome.
Developing a Thesis Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Bad Example: The War of 1812 came before the Civil War.
Developing a Thesis Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Good Example: The War of 1812 set into motion the main events that caused the Civil War.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Avoid Vague Language and Announcements
Developing a Thesis Avoid Vague Language and Announcements Bad Example: In this essay, I will outline the arguments for and against sex education in schools.
Developing a Thesis Avoid Vague Language and Announcements Bad Example: In my opinion, the Women ’ s Center performs a valuable service on campus and deserves a budget renewal.
Developing a Thesis Avoid Vague Language and Announcements Good Example: The Women ’ s Center performs a valuable service on campus and deserves a budget renewal.
Developing a Thesis Specific and Focused Arguable, Non-neutral Statement Avoid Vague Language and Announcements Provides a Map for the Reader (optional)
Developing a Thesis Provides a Map for the Reader Good Example: Black Elk Speaks accurately represents Indian lifestyle through its attention to cultural detail, its use of Indian words, and its direct quotes from Black Elk.
Developing a Thesis Provides a Map for the Reader Good Example: At least twenty-five percent of the federal budget should be spent on helping upgrade business to clean technologies, researching renewable energy sources, and planting more trees in order to control or eliminate pollution.