Effects of Social Networking Among Teenagers By: Steven White Student, Craven Early College
Interest * The daily harms that are placed among children and the youth due to improper use of social networking. * Friends who have been victims of cyberbullying and sexual assaults by predators. * Friends who been robbed because of posting personal information. * My God-brother killed because of a communicated threat on Facebook.
Paper Topic: Social Networking and its Effect on Teenagers Driving Question: Does the use of social networking affect teens negatively or positively? Thesis Statement: Social networking is very dangerous for teens; it causes misbehavior due to provocative advertisements and the display of vague information, and it can lead teens to becoming victims of sex offenders.
Paper Continued * As of December 2008, 43% of online sexual solicitors were identified as being adolescents (under 18) * 30% were adults between the ages of 18 and 21, and 9% were adults over the age of 21. * 38% of Facebook users in the last year were under the age of 13. * From my research, I have found that social networking has more effect on the youth than any other age range.
Product * I did an informative lesson on the topic. * On Thursday, March 14, 2013, I taught two groups of 6th Graders at Tucker Creek Middle School on proper usage of the social network. * It encourages proper usage and abstinence from unsafe behavior when participating in social networking activities. * It also has been designed to inform of daily dangers that are a result from improper usage.
Product Continued * My mentor, Mr. Smith, helped me develop my lesson plans and schedule the classes with Mr. Allran at Tucker Creek. * He also helped me by forwarding my messages and surveys to his colleagues as well. * I learned how much teenagers and youth constantly participate in social networking, and I was also able to understand the addiction and attraction to the social network.
Connection: Paper & Product * They inform about the dangers of social networking such as: cyberbullying, provocative advertisements, sex offenders and predators, etc. * They also encourage immediate action to be taken by parents by closely monitoring what their children take part in through the social media
Successes * Creating Lesson Plans * Finding informative audio/videos * Interviewing/Surveying Users * Teaching Class * Gathering research
Challenges * Finding accurate statistics * Constructing my Graduation Project Paper
Final Reflections * Next, I will continue to build off of what I have learned and informed others of. * It will help me be aware of what things that I do when on the social network. * It will also help me encourage others to abstain from improper usage as well.
Works Cited American Psychological Association, (Aug. 2011). Social Networking’s Good and Bad Impacts on Kids. Retrieved from. Jones, Michael M. (Oct. 2009).Social Networking is a Teenager's Most Dangerous Game. Retrieved from Journal of Adolescent Health (2010).Use of Social Networking Sites in Online Sex Crimes Against Minors: An Examination of National Incidence and Means of Utilization. Retrieved from National Crime Prevention Council. (2001). Parent's Guide To Social Networking Sites. Retrieved from. O'Keeffe, Gwenn S. (2011). The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. Retrieved from Rammurthy, Govind. (1996.) Securing your teen from social media dangers. Retrieved from. Redus, Desire'e. (2009)."Social Networking and Teens." SciJourner: Teens engaging Science through Journalism. Retrieved from Social Networking. (2012). Social Networking.Retrieved from Social Networking Sites: Much Information. (2008). Retrieved from Welsh, J. (2011, August 6). Is Constant Facebooking Bad for Teens? Retrieved from facebook-social-media-effects-teens.htmlhttp:// facebook-social-media-effects-
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