Solar Lightings Solar Module. Charge Controller. Battery. Inverter. Loads Accessories.
A Typical Layout of AC & DC Solar System
PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS Solar energy can be be harvested in to two forms, Solar thermal & Solar Photo voltaic As all of aware of as What is Solar thermal, The conversion of sun light energy in to heat energy. What is Solar Photo voltaic Lighting System. The SPV Lighting is a system, That converts solar energy in to electric energy. & The solar module converts solar energy in to DC current suited to power 12 V & 24 V appliances & batteries. The current depends on the intensity of solar radiation.
Types of stand alone PV System. PV-Direct- The out put from PV can be used directly to appliances such as water pumps, Lights & Fan. PV with Batteries.- The out put from PV will be stored in the batteries and out put will be used at night such as Lights, Fan TV and other DC or AC electrical appliances PV hybrid.- The out put from PV will be stored in the batteries with parallel to grid or generator complement each other. This type of system will be used in the larger application.
Types of Solar Module Mono crystalline Multi crystalline
MONOCRYSTALLINE Mono crystalline Silicon cell- One single crystal of a silicon. & They have single co lour tone. They do not deteriorate with time & stable efficiency of 11% to 16%.
MULTI CRYSTALLINE Multi crystalline / Polycrystalline cell- are saws multiple crystals, which is clearly visible in the different co lour pattern on the cell. They do not deteriorate with time & stable efficiency of 9% to 13%. Although this is some what lower efficiency than for mono crystalline. The cost price is lower and resulting price per energy output(Watt peak) similar.
12 V
24 V
Charge Controller
Controllers: Main functions Adequate control of charging process (given the short time available) Protection against overcharging Protection against too deep discharge Prevention of discharge of battery via module. It also provides for the protection arrangement against the lightning and surges.
CHARGE CONTROLLER- FUNCTION It has the button to switch ON or OFF all the lights in the house. It shows how the system perform,through series of LED's. Apart from visible functions, There are electronics in the control the current in the system.
CHARGE CONTROLLER- FUNCTION If the battery runs empty, the controller cuts off the all the excess loads. It minimizes harm to other components in case of cable damage or short.
Charge Controller- Function Green LED - Glow While Charging. Green / Red LED. - System in Operation - Blink with Green. -System Fault- Blink with Red.
Charge Controller
Batteries: Measures to be taken to reach an acceptable battery lifetime Good system sizing Right selection of battery type and battery size Use of a good controller Avoid high battery temperatures as much as possible Adequate battery maintenance
Cabling & Wiring Low voltage system require considerably heavier wiring that 110 V or 220 V systems. Example: 100W appliances on 12 V needs a current of 100W/12 Volt=8.3 amps.The same 100W appliances on 220 V need a current of 100/ 220 Volt = 0.5 Amps. If you remember that the heat losses in cables are proportion to the square of the current(P=R x I2) Now you can imagine the importance of thick & short cables in low voltage system. For any SPVHL System use 2,4 Sq mm cable between the array & the SDU with maximum length of 10 meters
“Energy Demand & System size” –In order to size a solar system, you must know the expected energy demand. –To calculate this, You should, together with the customer, Fill in daily calculation sheet.
INVERTER Inverters convert DC power from your renewable energy source into the AC power needed for powering the appliances in your home. Inverters are grouped in two major categories: Those designed to convert solar energy directly into AC without the use of storage batteries, Those designed to provide power from batteries, with the batteries being charged by any number of sources.
Daily Load Calculation Sheet