1 “Stepping up to help women and girls move forward!” Elizabeth M. Lucas Executive Director & CEO Soroptimist International of the Americas, Inc. Educate to Lead
2 SI President Alice Wells SIA Secretary/treasurer Cheri Fleming
SI Quadrennial Projects 2007 – Project SIerra 2003 – 2007 – Project Independence: Women Survivors of War 1999 – 2003 – Limbs for Life: A Project for victims of land mines 1995 – 1999 – Project S.I.A.M. : Soroptimist International AIDS Mediation 1991 – 1995 – Soroptimist International and Sight Savers – working for Children in Bangladesh 3
Project SIerra Project SIerra A Family and A Future In partnership with Hope and Homes for Children and Help A Needy Child in Sierra Leone 129 young mothers have completed their education or vocational training. 200 families have been stabilized. 48 former street children reconciled with their families. 4
5 Moving Women and Girls Forward What “Educate to Lead” means at all levels of our organization International Federation Club Education is the answer
What is “Educate to Lead?” A Soroptimist-wide, long term program to increase access to education and leadership for women and girls Program intended to culminate in 2021 on our 100 th anniversary. Replaces the well-known “Quadrennial Projects” This is a focus…not a project 6
7 Educate to Lead “A Fairy Tale Story”
How was Educate to Lead selected? 71% of Clubs worldwide participated in this voting process Federation returns ranged from 57% to 97% Overall, 74% of voting Clubs chose Education and Leadership 1653 Clubs voted for Education and Leadership. Federation returns for Education and Leadership ranged from 64% (SIA) to 89% (SISWP) 8
E The Soroptimist Model 3 9
Educate Educate women and girls by increasing their access to the skills necessary to take on whatever challenge they desire – from basic literacy to running in elections and everything in between. 10
Empower Empower women with confidence and choice, giving them the tools necessary to achieve their fullest potential. 11
Enable Enable opportunities for women and girls to use their skills and confidence as leaders and role models. 12
SI Program focus tools Global Impact Report – compiled from Program Focus Reports submitted by all clubs SI representation at United Nations centers President’s Appeal 13
Global Impact Report Access the report at: global-impact. global-impact What are we already doing? (according to Program Focus Reports submitted and SIA’s Award Data) Celebrate what Soroptimists around the world can collectively achieve! 14
SI President Alice Wells “While we have accomplished so much and have had an exciting collective global impact, there is still so much more we can do” 15
Learn more! Become an advocate Design a new project Report on an existing project Improve your project Skill up! with SI tools Hold a Global Impact club meeting Spread the word Use the country pages Join discussions on social media 10 things President Alice suggests you can do with the Global Impact Report 16
Soroptimist at the United Nations Supported representatives at UN centers around the world Advocated on behalf of the women and girls to increase access to education and leadership Submitted written statements on education and leadership – 55th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) – 2011 Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC) High Level Segment Spearheaded two workshops on access to education at CSW 55 Delivered an oral statement at this year’s CSW in partnership with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Young Women's Christian Association, on the relationship between violence against girls and young women and barriers in access to education – 192 heads of state heard our voice, representing all of the women and girls with whom we work at local level 17
President’s Appeals The President's Appeals will benefit Soroptimist projects around the world using education, empowerment, and enabling opportunities to address issues threatening women and girls. The 2012 President’s Appeal is “Birthing in the Pacific” – Educating and training birth attendants to prevent needless maternal death and disability in Papua, New Guinea. 18
“Day of Action for all Soroptimists” Annual December 10 th “Day of Action for all Soroptimists” A day when Soroptimists worldwide take part in an advocacy and awareness-raising campaign linked to the President’s Appeal On this day, Soroptimists bring the importance of education and leadership to the attention of policy and decision-makers worldwide 19
20 SIA Meeting the Goals of “Educate to Lead”
21 Why Education? Education results in social and economic advancement Benefits particularly advantageous for women Uneducated women are left without options Uneducated women are far more likely to be trapped by poverty and exploitation Education of women is essential to the survival of future generations Educated women are more likely to enter the formal labor market, learn what they and their children need to do to stay healthy, and are more likely to send their children to school Universal education must be viewed as an absolute necessity.
22 Women’s Opportunity Award SIA’s signature women’s education project began in 1972 Assist women, who are typically the primary source of financial support to their families, access education Each year, more than $1.5 million is disbursed through cash awards at various levels of the organization. More than $25 million has been disbursed in 40 years In , 1037 clubs participated and provided awards to 1,221 women
23 Look for this on the SIA website -
24 A joint project of Soroptimist International of the Americas and Soroptimist International of Europe Request or offer support for Soroptimist projects Matches resources between clubs Enables Soroptimist clubs to work together regardless of Federation affiliation. Check out
25 School Construction School Construction in Fougadougou, Mali (West Africa) The school nearest to the village of Fougadougou is located 4 km away. The village is rural and the girls must walk to school along a main road leading to Bamako. Because the journey is tiring and violence and accidents are common along the way, many girls do not go to school. In order to better accommodate these girls in their quest for education the clubs are building a school in Fougadougou.
26 Soroptimist Training Center for Women and Girls Soroptimist Training Center for Women and Girls Volcan, Panama The Soroptimist Training Center for Women and Girls will provide a place to train women to work in the growing tourism industry or in other jobs that are needed in the area.
27 Women and Education SIA White Paper Women and Education Read about how schooling impacts a woman's financial status, health and social well- being, and what can be done to end gender disparity in education.
Educate to Lead at the club level 28
What we need to do Ensure Ensure that the new member is thoroughly oriented in Soroptimist Club procedures, protocols and traditions. Engage Engage members in the work of the club with realistic expectations. Encourage Encourage, coach and mentor newer members. Survey Survey your members occasionally. Create Create an atmosphere where one can test their leadership skills in a non-threatening, non-judgmental environment. 29
Getting members to step up Treat them well Encourage participation in SI, SIA and Region conferences and workshops Cover their fees (if possible) Attend Leadership Training Encourage attendance at the SIA 42 nd Convention – July in Honolulu, Hawaii 30
Stepping up to Help Women and Girls Move Forward 31
Everyone Wins!!! SI SIA Region Club Community Women Girls YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! 32
Thank you for stepping up to help women and girls move forward! 33