What is it?? The perspective of the story or essay. Who is telling the story or giving the information?
First person Uses “I” or “We.” What are some other first person words? Example: I like hamburgers so much! Example: Let’s go to the mall.
Second person Uses the word “you.” Giving directions or speaking directly to someone. Should be used carefully & rarely! Example: You should come to our table at lunch.
Third person Uses “he,” “she,” or “they.” Narrator is not a participant or character. Let’s brainstorm some other third person signal words! Example: Mrs. Richards gives her students so much homework!
Let’s practice on slates! Mason loves video games so much that he plays them night and day. Mason and I like to go to the arcade after school. You should come with us. Mason told Sara, “We should buy a new video game!” Sara is in love with Mason, so she agreed. I think Sara and Mason make a cute couple.
Your turn! Write one complete paragraph about your weekend using ONLY 3rd person point of view!!
POV day 2
MORE Point of View! Think about 3rd person point of view. “Round Table” with a slate - what are some “signal words” associated with third person point of view? Be ready to share out.
3rd person LIMITED The narrator knows thoughts and feelings of ONE character. The narrator’s knowledge is LIMITED. Example: Beatrice was nervous about the first day of school, but she didn’t want to admit it because her friend Nicole seemed confident and excited.
3rd person OMNISCIENT The narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of more than one character. The narrator is ALL KNOWING. Example: Nicole was nervous about the first day of school, but acted confident. Her friend, Beatrice, on the other hand was nervous and it showed!
Bust out those slates! Mrs. Richards loves teaching. Mrs. Richards loves teaching and her students love learning. Mrs. Richards and her students enjoy school. Ray thinks Mrs. Richards is super cool. Tayler thinks Mrs. Richards is kind of nerdy. I love my job! You should be nice to your teachers!
Your turn! Write and label 3 separate sentences. The topic CR Anderson! Sentence 1 - Third person omniscient. Sentence 2 - First person. Sentence 3 - Third person limited.
One more thing: PERSPECTIVE Who is telling the story? This could be a named person or simply, “the narrator.”