The harpy eagle The habitat; harpy eagles are found in tropical lowland forests from southeastern Mexico to northern Argentina and southern brazil.
Diet Diet ; harpy eagle feed primarily on animals that live in the trees like sloth, monkey, opossums, and some reptiles and birds.
Defenses The defense; talons and beak.
Specialized body parts The flight and screeching.
FACTS The eagle is scared of humans. The harpy eagle goes 50 miles per hour.
Boa constrictor Habitats; they live in the rainforest and Mexico and though central America.
Diet Boas will eat almost anything they can catch including birds, monkeys, and wild pigs. Their jaws can stretch wide to swallow large prey whole.
Defenses Their jaws are lined with small hooked teeth for grabbing and holding prey while they wrap their muscular body around their victim squeezing until it suffocates.
Specialized body parts The jaws and when the body crouches the prey because of the muscle they have
Spider monkey The habitat; the spider monkeys live in evergreen rainforest semi deciduous and mangrove forest almost never coming to the ground. In these forests they live mostly in the upper canopy preferring undisturbed high forest.
Diet Bananas, oranges, figs
Defense The hands are very strong and can rip you up and they can swing fast
Specialized body parts The body part is the tail and it can catch on to branches to hold on.