Don’t try to write down everything; your hand will really hurt. This PowerPoint is on Oncourse Jot down any information you don’t already know or any information that you think would be useful Write down questions as soon as they come to you BEFORE WE BEGIN…
1.Pick a program idea 2.Reserve a space 3.Request tech equipment 4.Request funding 5.Advertise 6.Make purchases 7.Set up and run the program 8.Clean up the space HERE ARE THE STEPS Depending on your project, you may not need to do all of these.
If you don’t know what to do yet, you probably feel like this: 1. PICK A PROGRAM IDEA
A lot of people struggle with this, so it’s okay if the perfect idea doesn’t come right away Ask yourself the following questions: What kinds of things do I like? What am I passionate about? What do I want to learn more about? What can I teach or share with others? What can I change or improve? How can I give back to the community? You may not be able to answer every question 1. PICK A PROGRAM IDEA
Brainstorm to consider your choices Alex Osborn’s four general rules of brainstorming: 1.Focus on quantity before quality 2.Withhold criticism 3.Welcome unusual ideas 4.Combine and improve ideas Narrow it down to your first, second, and third choices so you have two backup plans 1. PICK A PROGRAM IDEA
Pick a space in Collins that would be most appropriate for your program Visit the Duty Office (open 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday) and pick up a Space Request Form or download it from the Collins website Fill out the form neatly and completely Turn in the form to the Student Services Assistant at the desk The form needs to be approved through Community Council at least seven days before their next meeting. 2. RESERVE A SPACE
Attend the next Community Council meeting This semester, meetings are TBD in the Coffeehouse Be prepared to describe your event during the meeting so council members have an idea of what you want to do If you are busy during the meeting, submit a thorough description of the event with your space request form 2. RESERVE A SPACE
Ask yourself if you need any of the following: Projector and/or screen DVD player Speakers Microphones If you need any of these, pick up an Event Tech Request form in the Duty Office when you pick up your Space Request form or download it from the Collins website Submit this form when you submit your Space Request form so they stay together 3. REQUEST TECH EQUIPMENT
Every Collins resident pays $100 per semester to live here All of this money pays for various equipment and programs in Collins, and a good amount is available for you to use If you need supplies, food, or any other materials for your program, you can request money from a funding board to pay for it 4. REQUEST FUNDING
If your program is related to the arts, request money from Arts Council (AC) If your program has an educational component, request money from the Board of Educational Programming (BOEP) If your program is a general community program, request money from Community Council (CC) 4. REQUEST FUNDING YOU CAN REQUEST FUNDING FROM MORE THAN ONE FUNDING SOURCE
Pick up a Community Project Proposal form from the Duty Office. It’s not available on the website as it is in triplicate You can grab one when you pick up a Space Request form and Event Tech Request form Indicate at the top which funding board you would like to request money from Your budget should be itemized and therefore include prices for every item Turn in the form to the Student Services Assistant at the desk 4. REQUEST FUNDING
You should attend the next meeting of the board from which you are requesting money Find out when the student group you are requesting funding from meets. Community Council meets every week, but Arts Council and BOEP only meet every other week Check to see if you need to be present when your proposal is reviewed 4. REQUEST FUNDING
In addition to Arts Council, BOEP, and Community Council, you can request money from the Board of Governors (BOG) BOG can fund any program in Collins, but… BOG is special because it is the only board that can fund a program for a closed group (e.g., your floor) Your Q projects are intended for the whole community, but BOG will fund these too. 4. REQUEST FUNDING
If you would like money from BOG, you can find the form online: Visit Click on “Student Resources” drop down menu, then Programming Forms You should attend the next BOG meeting to explain your proposal. Find out when they next meet on the Collins calendar on our website 4. REQUEST FUNDING
Advertising is aided when you answer the following questions: What/when/where/who? Why should people show up? What will people get out of it? When you are competing for someone’s attention, you need to provide incentives; stating basic information isn’t always enough 5. ADVERTISE
Start with standard methods of advertising in Collins, and don’t hesitate to try all of them Gnome News: a description to by 11am on Monday Collins Columns: an advertisement to by 4pm on Tuesday Flyers: make a flyer, bring it to the Duty Office to get it approved and copied, and ask where you can hang your flyers Facebook: use events and status updates 5. ADVERTISE
Try something with a splash of color: chalking! When you’re filling out your space request, check off the option to chalk in the courtyard Pick up chalk in the Duty Office Do NOT chalk in the following places: On the veranda, its steps, or its walls On the sides of buildings or within 10 feet of them On any covered sidewalk that will not be touched by rain or snow 5. ADVERTISE
Think outside of the box when advertising and make it memorable Avoid leaflets; they waste paper and usually end up in the trash or on the floor Don’t forget about the most effective method: word of mouth Program attendance almost always suffers from poor advertising, so don’t forget this step 5. ADVERTISE
Once your funding request is approved, you can make all the necessary purchases for your program You should stick to your itemized budget very strictly If you spend more than the amount you requested, you will have to pay the difference 6. MAKE PURCHASES
Certain vendors take the SOA card (student organization account), which means you don’t have to use your own funds and then get reimbursed. The SOA card can be used at certain businesses, such as Krogers and Aver’s Pizza See vendor list in duty office, also on Oncourse To check out an SOA card, visit the Duty Office Make sure you keep all your receipts and fill out the form on the next slide 6. MAKE PURCHASES
SOA card documentation form – attach receipts
If you want to use your own money and be reimbursed by Collins, bring all receipts to the Duty Office The Student Services Assistant will give you a form to the fill out; see next slide Turn in your form and all receipts You will receive a check in the mail in a few weeks 6. MAKE PURCHASES
On the Space Request form, you will have noted a set up time and a clean up time Show up at your set up time with all necessary supplies If there are people in your reserved space and you need them to clear out, politely ask them to leave or encourage them to stay for the program. Let them know you have the spaced approved through Community Council. 7. SET UP AND RUN THE PROGRAM
If you need to rearrange the space, take a few pictures of the room before you move the furniture so you know where everything goes If your event requires seating, sit in different parts of the room to see if the arrangement is good from different perspectives If you need to move tables in the Coffeehouse, you should stack them in the back of the room so people don’t sit on them 7. SET UP AND RUN THE PROGRAM
If your event has food, lay it out neatly and in a logical order Food in the front of the room may be distracting, especially in a presentation, performance, or lecture Food in the back of the room allows anyone to walk in, take your food, and run off with it 7. SET UP AND RUN THE PROGRAM
If you will be speaking during the program, make sure you know what you’re going to say If a guest is coming in to speak or teach, talk to them beforehand to see if they need anything If the program has a more casual format, be sure to acknowledge everyone and make sure that they feel included If any problems arise, take care of them immediately 7. SET UP AND RUN THE PROGRAM
If you borrowed materials from anyone or anywhere, return them as soon as possible Don’t leave a mess for the custodial staff; be responsible and clean it up yourself Refer back to the pictures you took earlier to see where all the furniture goes Once you’ve checked to make sure everything is cleaned up, check it again because you might have missed something 8. CLEAN UP THE SPACE
Focus on what went well, not what didn’t If something didn’t go so well, view it as a learning opportunity Your first program may not go perfectly, but don’t let that stop you from doing more! 9. MARVEL AT YOUR OWN SUCCESS
You can work with Student Government: Environmental Force (E-Force) Sports and Recreation Philanthropy Campus Involvement Health and Wellness Weekend Events You can work with Arts Council Coordinators You can attend Executive Board meetings COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES
Visit the Exec Board portion of our website: All members of Executive Board have their contact information listed in parentheses Check the office hours calendar on the same page if you would like to meet with anyone individually NEED HELP FROM SOMEONE ELSE?
Thank you for coming! Now go forth and program.