Brian Gilbert
Digital Photography Tutorials
Centering a photo has a distinct focal point. Placing an object on a thirds intersection can add a lot more character.
Centering a photo has a distinct focal point. Placing an object on a thirds intersection can add a lot more character. The rule of thirds can be found by drawing a grid. 2 horizontal lines, and 2 vertical lines.
Cropping can adjust the angle, as well as the amount of detail you see. It also can create more interest in the image.
Use angles to increase interest and define different aspects of detail in an object. Angles also help show detail with the use of light and shadows.
Using a lens that can zoom in close to an object can show details on a larger scale, and also increase interest if you utilize angles to capture different shadows and highlights.
Adding foreground can give the object placement, and define the area that the object is in. For example, you really couldn’t tell where the mustang was parked. In the second image, you can clearly tell its parked in a driveway.
The End This image was taken with my phone for a contest on Instagram. It won.