7 th Grade Independent Study Assignments Due Jan. 20 Trimester 2 Week 6 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk
Schedule 8:15-8:30-Prepare packets/Obtain materials 8:30-9-Feedback and Review Planning 9-10-Math 10-Restroom/Health Break 10:10-10:45-Social Studies /Science 10:45-11:15-Language Arts 11:15-11:30-Computer Lab 11:30-12:00-Testing/Teacher Conferencing 12-12:30-Parent Meetings 12:30-1-PE 1-Lunch Probation Study Hall
Ch. 4 Review Practice Test Pg. 217 Test today
Chapter 5-Ratios and Rates 5.1 Equivalent=equal M and M’s 5.2 PPT
Benchmark Review Negative Exponents Multiply + and _ Exponents Divide Exponents Raise the power of an exponent Fractions with exponents Conversion of millimeters to centimeters Conversion from inches to feet Scientific Notation Pythagorean Theorum Inequalities
Math Objectives Understand how to use and figure rates Understand ratios
7 th Grade Independent Study T2 Week 6 Due: Jan. 20 Total Work Completed=_______% P.E. -5 PE Credits due by March 1 _____PE Forms _____Schedule Change Grade______ TW________ Math ____Ch. 5 Lesson 2. Even questions Pg. 230 ____Ch. 5 Lesson 3 -All ____Benchmark Study Packet Study for Benchmark Test Grade__________ TW____________
Housekeeping! Redo Tests after class until A + PE Field Credits….5 by March 1 2 week break!! See ya in January! Where are the Compass/Fireworks Projects…only Eddie’s in?? Grade/Packet History Language Arts Science Math PE Assignment Sheet
Benchmark Review Coordinating Conjunction Sentence Revision
More… Adjective Modifying a Noun Adverb
More… PrepositionHyphens Seventh-grade One-fourth Black-and-white Syllable at end of line Compound adjective
New Poems…”” Video Standards: Pg.
New Story…”
Cloning Share Your Essay
Language Arts Objectives This Week: Know what character traits are and how authors use them to make stories interesting Understand what “Omniscient Point of View”’ means Know what coordinating conjunctions are Know how to use hyphens with prefixes
Language Arts-T2 Week 6 ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read “The Walk”. Do Questions at end Pg ______Read “Justin Lebo.” Do questions on page 305. ______Read “The Rider.” Do Questions Pg. 306 ______Integrated Language Pg. 308 ______Selection Support pgs. 96, 99, 100 ______Benchmark Review Packet Study for Benchmark Test Grade_______ TW_________
Science Main Objectives This Week: Know where DNA is found and what it does Know how DNA is made up
Benchmark Review Define: Griot Shogun Samurai Labor Specialization Scholar-Official Class System Buddhism Noh Kabuki Know ALL about the Tang and Song Dynasties What are the principals of Confucianism? How did the inventions of the compass and gunpowder effect the Chinese?
World History Main Objectives This Week: -Understand what Feudalism is -Know what Europe’s geography was like -Explain the growth of the Frankish Empire
History-T2 Week 6 Assignments: _____Read Ch. 9 Lesson 1. Take Notes. _____Ch. 9 Lesson 1 Review Questions Pg. 297 _____Read “Becoming a Knight” and do questions on Pg Watch a movie set in medieval times (Knight, Robin Hood, etc) by Feb. 1 Grade_____ TW______
Testing Conferencing Social Studies Benchmark Science Ch. 9 Test Conferencing Hand in work
New Spelling Pg. 12 Gu=“gw” Anguish languish
Spelling Rules When ending a “Y” and adding a Suffix: 1. When there is a consonant + a y=drop the Y chang to I Soggy + er=soggier 2. When there is a vowel + a y=stay the same -employ + ing=employing
Grammar-More Nouns Pg. 12 Common Noun Dog Teacher Student school Proper Nouns Cody Mrs. Syfert Omar Ramon Academy