ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 1 PETAL II Extension Architecture, Integration and Testing Prepared by Martin Adnams/Isabelle Herail
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 2 PIIe End to End Target FEP/ Datalink Server WAN MAASTRICHT UAC Control Centre ATN R ATN End System FDPS CMU ATN vdr RPC LAN VDL M2 AAL B767 MCDU ATN R vgs R ES ARINC VDL M2 CPDLC Service VIA ATN and VDL Mode 2 Rockwell Collins Avionics Eurocontrol
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 4 The Players and the Systems
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 5 The Best Laid Plans …. l Integrated Schedule - PIT Maintained l Stream 1 - Test PIIe Service End to End via ATN, Fly BAC 1-11 with Satcom against MAAS l Stream 2 - Same Again, Add the new element, VDL Mode 2 l Stream 3 - Same Again, Add Production Avionics from Rockwell-Collins l Certification Flight AAL 767 l Non Revenue Flights l Revenue Flights
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 6 What Really Happened “PLANNING IS VITAL, PLANS ARE IRRELEVANT” Oct st Op Flight Rev Flights Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 CERT Non-Revs Europe Sep 00 Crunched ATN/VDL Testing Mar 01Jul 01May 01 Testing Effort
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 7 ARINC ATN/VDL May 01 A Tight Schedule MAAS EEC Bretigny EEC Bretigny EUROPE USA FAA MIAMI FAA MIAMI ARINC Annap. ARINC Annap. RC Cedar RC Cedar g-g R g-g R a-g R g-g R g-g R CMU+AGTS Ongoing AAL Dallas/Tulsa AAL Dallas/Tulsa VDL/AGTS AAL Dallas/Tulsa AAL Dallas/Tulsa 767s AOA/AVLC Feb 01 BAC1-11 CMU+VDR Flying - 10 May VAN CMU+VDR Tests - 02 May DERA STNA Tls STNA Tls ATN/V8208 Mar 01 g-g R ARINC-Euro, ATN interop Mar 01 CERT FLIGHT end MAY 01 Pre-CERT Tests through April Application Tests no VDL - Dec 00 Non Rev - 26 Jun OPS - 27 Jul REV - 20 Aug AAL 767s
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 8 What is Left To Do l Detailed analysis of logs/traces from 20+ hours BAC1-11 flights and 21 AAL Non-REV flights out of CDG l Lessons Learned will be documented –Network Tuning is essential l Those that affect standards will be injected into AEEC/ICAO/RTCA l There are Technical Issues to resolve –Unexpected NOCOMM (coverage/handoff) –Performance optimisation l Resolution is NOT in the scope of PIIe
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep 01 9 What Was Achieved l An Integrated Operational System with MAASTRICHT UAC supporting AAL Commercial Flights l A Major Milestone in Datalink made possible by dedicated teams in American Airlines, Rockwell-Collins, ARINC, STNA, Eurocontrol Maastricht and Eurocontrol Brétigny
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Isabelle Herail EEC Brétigny
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep EEC Integration Role STREAM 1 PSF/MADAP over AMSS RC CMU/Ground ES END to END over X.25 Europe/ARINC USA VDL M2 Network Intercon. Dallas flights Certification RC CMU/Ground ES END to END over VDL M2 VDL M2 in Europe Bac 1-11/AAL 767 flights EEC ATN LAB
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Petal IIe End to End - Stream 1 FEP/ Datalink Server adsu Maastricht UAC Control Centre g-g R ATN ES FDPS DLT/HMI PSF TES TAR/TTS RPC LAN ATC Avionics Arinc 429 BAC 1-11 WAN ges AMSS a-g R AMSS g-g Network FMS ATC CPDLC Service VIA ATN and AMSS Eurocontrol
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep GBIS ProATN GES ProATN MADAP P2FEP Maastricht UAC GBIS ProATN GES CHARME HMI Test. Appli. STNA Toulouse GES Aussaguel Inmarsat Stream1/End To End Testing TES TAR/TTS DLT PSF DERA BAC 1-11 CMU Simulator Collins Cedar/Rapids SITA X.25 WAN A/GBIS ProATN Ground TES TAR-TTS PETAL/ FITAMS EEC Bretigny TES TAR-TTS DLT PSF Air
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Air side Service Testing l End to End Service Tests Rockwell Collins CMU/EEC Petal Ground Test Tool :Nov 00 l End to End Service Tests Rockwell Collins CMU/UAC Maastricht MADAP: Dec 00 l End to End Service Level Tests Rockwell Collins CMU/STNA application : March 01
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Europe/US VDL M2 Link ARINC Lab, Annapolis UAC Maastricht EEC, Bretigny BT APN SITA RRR Other UAC ATN systems Other EEC ATN systems GG Bis PROATN TRANSPAC GG Bis PROATN GG1 Bis GG2 Bis Tunnel Adjacencies
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep EEC Test Tools to support Flight Trials l New Tool capability integrated in the EEC Petal Ground Test Tool : –Generation of short and long CPDLC messages with automatic response from the air side l Objectives: –Tuning of ATN TP4 parameters –Evaluation of Airborne side performances
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Support to CERT - Dallas flights l Production Rockwell Collins CMU End to End Testing: –grounded AAL 767s in Dallas –flight trials Dallas/Tulsa –against EEC and UAC Maastricht : End March/April 01 l Prep Cert flights Dallas/Tulsa with EEC and UAC Maastricht : End April/May 01 l Certification Flight : 29th May 01
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep European Architecture AGR GG Bis GG Bis Cisco ARINC Network UAC/Maastricht STNA/Toulouse X25 switch GG Bis PROATN GG Bis PROATN X25 switch Ground Test Tools TAR/TTS TES EEC/Bretigny PIIe Op connect GG Bis PROATN P2FEP PROATN ES x25 Charme ES DL Server X25 switch AGR FDPS
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep Validating ATN/VDL M2 in Europe l CMU/MCDU and VDR “palette mounted” in DERA Van for VDL Checkout - May 01 l 20 hours flight with CMU/MCDU and VDR Installed on BAC From June 01 until start August 01 l CPDLC exercised against EEC test tools plus automatic traffic generation l Collecting output information from air and ground sides for post analysis: –VGS Hand-off’s ! VGS Coverage boundaries ! VGS Coverage overlap ! –Air side performances DERA
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep NON-Revenues flights l Four AAL 767s Rockwell Collins CMU equipped at CDG l 21 flights from start of July until mid of August 01 l CPDLC exercised against EEC test tools and UAC Maastricht. Automatic traffic generation for post analysis of air and ground registered traces l CPDLC Op. UAC Maastricht and STNA (shadow mode) with external CPDLC transfers exercised between both
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep ATN Progress ! l Successful Non-Revenues flights continued by US/Europe Revenues flights with UAC Maastricht CPDLC exchanges in inbound/outbound VDL M2 coverage l MAJOR progress in implementation of Air/Ground Datalink thanks to real good co- ordination and motivation between all partners teams
ATN 2001, London - 18 Sep QUESTIONS