Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) August 2012
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Presenter Jeremy PeckMoray & Agnew PartnerLevel 8, 440 Collins St Ph: MELBOURNE VIC
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Ongoing Importance of FOS Explosion of GFC related claims over last 3 years. Possible decline as market conditions improve. Offset by changes to FOS jurisdiction: Increase in monetary limits for awards. Change in value of claims that might be brought. Wider class of claimant.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth The Role of FOS External Dispute Resolution Scheme. Approved by ASIC (RG139). Condition of AFSL if dealing with retail client. Independent/accessible/fair/accountable/efficient and effective. Free to consumers. Paid for by industry via fees and levies. Resolves disputes by negotiation, advice and conciliation. Makes decisions binding on Members (not consumers).
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth The Role of FOS – TOR 8.2 Decision making criteria - FOS “….. FOS will do what in its opinion is fair in all the circumstances, having regard to each of the following: (a)Legal principles; (b) applicable industry codes or guidance as to practice; (c) good industry practice; and (d) previous relevant decisions of FOS or a Predecessor Scheme (although FOS will not be bound by those).”
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Historical Relationship PI insurers have been dealing with predecessors of FOS for many years (especially FICS). Historically, this relationship could be characterised as “fraught”. FICS/ FOS generally perceived as “applicant” (claimant) friendly. Nature of FOS in conflict with traditional assumptions of dispute resolution. Concern in regard to increasing “limits”.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth 2012 terms of reference Some significant changes. Monetary limits and caps. Consequential and non-financial loss. Time limits. Recommendations and determinations.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Compensation Caps A “cap” is the maximum value of the remedy FOS may award for a “claim” (excluding costs and interest). Monetary limit for a claim is now $500,000. Different caps apply for different types of claims. Caps increased on 1 January Caps will be indexed.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Amount of Caps 1 January January 2012 Banking & Finance$280,000 General Insurance $280,000, but $3,000 for TP motor vehicle claim Insurance Broking$100,000$150,000 Investments, Life Insurance & Superannuation Lump Sum insurance - $280,000 Income stream insurance - $6,700 per month Investment - $150,000 Lump Sum insurance - $280,000 Income stream insurance - $7,500 per month Investment - $280,000 Mutuals$280,000
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Compensation Direct financial loss. Consequential (indirect) financial loss capped at $3,000 per claim. Non-financial loss capped at $3,000 per claim. Legal or other professional costs or travel costs incurred by Applicant capped at $3,000 (unless exceptional circumstances apply).
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Time Limits Dispute must be lodged with FOS: within 6 years of date when Applicant first became aware (or should reasonably have become aware) they suffered the loss; and where Applicant received “IDR response” within 2 years of the date of that IDR response. In exceptional circumstances, FOS may consider dispute lodged outside these time limits.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Recommendation Recommendations have been introduced as the first stage of the decision-making process. A case will proceed to determination by an Ombudsman or Panel if either party rejects the recommendation.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Process Lodge Dispute FSP response Negotiation/Conciliation/Assessment/ Decision making
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth Financial Planner Claims Importance of initial dispute period. Early involvement of authorised representatives: Vital evidentiary role. Without a clear document trail kept by the authorised representative, claims can be hard to defend.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth FOS – Indemnity Issues Generally Financial Planner PI policies contain FOS Extension or Endorsement. Sublimit: Generally reflects FOS monetary limit at the time policy written. This can cause underinsurance as a result of shifting FOS monetary limit. Applicable to Claim/Award/Complaint. The language of FOS is disconnected from the language of the PI policies. Substantial underinsurance risk.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth FOS Process Not Litigation. No opportunity to test the claimant. Claimant at no cost or litigation risk: Potential for “Dry Runs”.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth FOS Process Response and Conciliation Front loads costs. Role of case officers. Conciliation.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth FOS Process Quantum Application of Monetary Limits to ‘Claims’: Jurisdictional issues pre 1 January Change in value of claims that can be brought in FOS changed the issue. Desirability of forum for large claims. Underinsurance. Assignment of Investments to Members: Evolution. Power? Ramifications: Administrative Problems. Jurisdictional Issues.
Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Canberra Newcastle Perth End of Presentation Thank You