Food I decided to bring in food!!!!! It’s called Blintchiki which are pancakes/crepes The Recipe 2 eggs 1 tbsp of sugar 1/3 tsp of salt ½ cup all purpose salt 2 ½ cups of milk 1 tbsp of vegetable oil 1 tbsp of butter
Clothing Clothing in Russia is as modern as many other large European countries The clothing was fairly bright A little prudish as almost the entire body is covered TraditionalModern
Sports Soccer Russians love soccer Football union of Russia formed in 1912 which controls most of Russian soccer teams Gymnastics Russians also take gymnastics pretty serious They’ve won multiple gold medals for gymnastics
Art Above is a classical piece of Russian art As you can tell art has changed a lot through the years Below is a surrealist type paint by a Russian artist it is entitled the mirror of destiny Kind of creepy but I like it
More art Feline funny? Here’s art work by Svetlana Petrova who paints her cat into classical art work Svetlana and Zarathustra
Religion Russia has several religions including Islam Russian Orthodox Other Christian Russian Orthodox is the major religion of Russia as 65% are Orthodox Christian Church of Christ the savior in Moscow
Family modern Russian family Russian families are male dominated Its not uncommon to find grandparents living with their children Families in Russia are very proud of who they are Some values of the Russian family are respect, integrity, and persistance
Government Russia is a federation The current president of Russia is Vladimir Putin Russia is also divided into 21 republics, 46 provinces, 9 territories, 4 districts, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous oblast Federation – Is a form of sovereign in which the power is formally divided
Education Russian education is free!! 11 years of schooling is mandatory standard secondary school program includes studying of a foreign language for 6 years (grades 5-11), usually it’s English but can be French, German or Spanish Along with general education philosophy is a mandatory subject University education is free after passing entrance exams
Economy Russia’s economy today is best described as a diversified mixed economy where certain aspects are controlled by the state and certain aspects are controlled by the free market Russia’s economy is an Industrialized Capitalist economy/ mixed economy Russia’s main form of currency are Rubles or Roubles One Russian ruble is equivalent to 0.03$
Economy Cont. The labor force is divided into.. 9.8% agriculture 27.5% industry 62.7% services Agriculture products include Grain, sugar beats, and sunflower seeds Industry includes petroleum, natural gas, metals, wood, and chemicals Palladium and nickel
More Economy Averages for salaries Airline pilots make around 27,769 Rubles a month, equal to 864$ Salesperson makes 2,949 Rubles a month, equal to 92$ Pricing of food Chicken (frozen) per kilo: RUR Clothes Pair of jeans: 900~1500 RUR Sweater: 800~1,500 RUR
Popular Culture Russian “boy band” Na-Na are very popular in modern culture Russia’s bizarre “save the hipsters” campaign the project mostly involved displaying confusing pro-hipster banners during a military parade but somehow led to a 75% drop in the city’s street fights
Fun facts Russians never shake hands over a door way, they believe it leads to arguments The Metro of St. Petersburg is the world’s deepest subway (about100 m deep). The intelligency level is of Russian people is considered up to 99%. There are more than 600 universities in the country. Russia is multinational and multicultural. Russia has got more than 100 nationalities — Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, Bashkirs — it would take a separate page to list them all.