TopicSlidesMinutes 1 Displacement Vectors Kinematics Graphs Energy Power Springs Shadows Colors Concave mirrors Convex mirrors Refraction Lenses Optical Power 618 Field of Vision
Normal 20 o o Click REMEMBER All angles are measured from the normal. Field of Vision Slide:
A) 100 o B) 80 o C) 50 o D) 40 o E) 20 o Click What is the angle of reflection for the ray diagram illustrated above? Angle of incidence = angle of reflection Field of Vision Slide:
Eye Mirror Field of vision (any point within this area will be seen by the observer’s eye) There are two steps in finding the field of vision. NOTE Draw a ray from the eye to one end of the mirror. This is the reflected ray. Then, in accordance with the law of reflection, draw the incident ray. Step-1 W e c a n n o w d r a w t h e f i e l d o f v i s i o n. I t i s t h e a r e a b o u n d e d b y t h e m i r r o r a n d t h e t w o i n c i d e n t r a y s. Reflected ray Incident ray Reflected ray Incident ray angle of incidence = angle of reflection Draw a ray from the eye to the other end of the mirror. This is the reflected ray. Then, in accordance with the law of reflection, draw the incident ray. Step-2 Normal Field of Vision Slide: Click Draw the field of vision for the following systrem: Click
An observer looks inside a room via a mirror as illustrated below. Which one of the four objects, A, B, C, or D, can he not see? A)A B)B C)C D)D Room Field of Vision Slide:
Click Total field of vision Standing here, Sophie will not be seen in the mirror. Field of Vision Slide:
In which of the following is the image of the object not seen by the observer? Field of vision O = Observer Field of vision Field of vision Field of vision The field of vision is the space between the two incident rays. Any object within the field of vision will be reflected in the mirror. Click This object is outside the field of vision. Field of Vision Slide:
According to the diagram below, which object (A, B, C or D) can be seen by the observer in both the rear-view and the side-view mirror? A) A B) B C) C D) D Click Observer Object C is in both fields of view. Field of view of rear-view mirror Field of view of side-view mirror Field of Vision Slide:
… and good luck!