Bad News about the Good News Be Free By Warren W. Wierbse Galatians 1:1-10
Paul didn’t open his letter with praise & prayer for the saints as other letters. Instead, he engaged in a battle for the truth of the gospel & liberty of the Christian life and against the false teachers spreading false gospel, mixture of law & grace. Paul’s approval to the Galatian Christians –He explains his authority (1:1-5) His ministry (1-2) –Paul, apostle –Apostle: one who is sent with commission –Disciples: learner –Requirement for apostle: witness the resurrection (Acts 1:21-22; 2:32, 3:15) »Commissioned by the Lord (Acts 9:1-18, I Cor 9:1)
He founded the churches in Galatia –Smaller country or larger Roman province »Southern part: Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe –Galatia: country of the Gaul (France) –Galatian Christians were Judaizers His messages (3-4) –The gospel centers in a Person, Jesus –Purpose: delivering sinners from bondages His motive (5) –“to whom be glory forever & ever” –False teachers for their own glory –Stealing coverts –He experiences His anxiety (1:6-7) Deserting the grace of God Abandoning liberty for legalism
–Grace »God’s favor to undserving sinners –Grace & gift go together (Eph 2:8-11) Perverting the gospel –Pervert: to turn about, to change into an opposite character –Back into the law Troubling them (7) –Perplexity, confusion, unrest –Grace leads to peace »We live by grace (I Cor 15:10) »“stand in grace, foundation of Christian life.” »“grace gives strength we need (2 Tim 2:1-4) »“enables us to suffer without complaining (2 Cor 2:1-10)
–Depending on his own resources & living by flesh He exposes his adversaries (8-10) –Judaizers- identified by the false gospel they preached »Test of a man’s ministry – faithfulness to God’s Word (2 Tim. 2:2) »Anathema- dedicated to distraction –False motives that they practiced »Enemies accused Paul as a compromiser adjusting the gospel to fit the Gentiles »False teachers were menpleasers (Gal 4:17) »Paul desired approval from God regardless of people cheering or booing »Paul, an ambassador, not politician »Paul, a defender of the gospel
Paul’s Approach –Personal (Gal 1-2) –Doctrinal (Gal 3-4) –Practical (Gal 5-6) »Application »Relationship between God’s grace & Christian living »Liberty, not bondage (living by grace) »Depending on the Spirit, not flesh »Living for others, not self »Living for God’s glory, not for men’s approval »Grace, series of action