Report on CARBOOCEAN data management B. Pfeil (UiB); A. Kozyr (CDIAC); R. Huber; N. Dittert; U. Schindler (all WDC-MARE); A. Brian; T. Carval (both IFREMER),


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Presentation transcript:

Report on CARBOOCEAN data management B. Pfeil (UiB); A. Kozyr (CDIAC); R. Huber; N. Dittert; U. Schindler (all WDC-MARE); A. Brian; T. Carval (both IFREMER), A. Olsen (UiB)

What has happened since last years meeting? CARBOOCEAN data portal CARBOOCEAN data base What data is in the database? Outlook

Overview of gathered CARBOOCEAN data from 2005/2006

Overview of archived CARBOOCEAN data from 2005/2006

Delivered CARBOOCEAN data 28 VOS line cruises from the Nuka Arctica line (Are Olsen/Truls Johannessen) Underway data from G.O. SARS from (Are Olsen/Truls Johannessen/Siv Laufseth) 29 VOS line cruises from the Santa Maria line (Ute Schuster/Andy Watson) 9 VOS line cruises from the (2 Falstaff line, 5 Atlantic Companion, 1 Poseidon, 1 Meteor) (Arne Koertzinger, Tobias Steinhoff) 13 VOS line cruises from Quima line (Melchor Gonzalez- Davila) CARIOCA buoy data from January until March 2005 (Jaqueline Boutin) FICARAM 7,8,9 (Aida Rios) OISO 12 (Nicolas Metzl)

Delivered CARBOOCEAN data 64PE239 cruise with discrete measurements from Helmuth Thomas/Alberto Borges Arctic Ocean cruise Beringia (Leif Anderson) Nordic Sea/ coast of Norway VOS line data 24 Norcliff and 4 Trans Carrier cruises (Abdir Omar, Truls Johannessen) Pelagia cruise 239 (Helmuth Thomas) CTD data from GO Sars cruise 2006 (Yoshie Kasijama, Are Olsen, Truls Johannessen) Crozex experiment data (Dorothee Bakker) 2006 Belgica cruise (Alberto Borges) Time series data from the Irminger Sea ( ) Data from 120 cruises at nearly different locations all in the same format!

Delivered historical data CAVASSO data 6 Ficaram cruises (Aido Rios) 17 Falstaff cruises (Arne Koertzinger) 23 Santa Maria cruises (Ute Schuster/Andy Watson) 4 Santa Lucia cruises (Ute Schuster/Andy Watson)

Delivered historical data Underway data from Haakon Mosby and Johan Hjort from 8 cruises (Ingunn Skjelvan/Truls Johannessen) Haakon Mosby underway data from cruise starting in Oct (Abdir Omar/ Truls Johannessen Underway data from POMME 1-3 (M. Gonzales-Davila)

Delivered historical data Data from the Eurotroph (6 cruises) and Biogest (18 cruises) project (Alberto Borges) Underway data from the CANOPY project (7 cruises) (Alberto Borges / Michel Frankignoulle) Underway data (4 cruises) and discrete measurement data from the CANOBA project (4 cruises)

Delivered historical data Data from the MRI-LDEO cooperative study (36 cruises) with discrete measurements (Jon Olafsson) Data from the Irminger Sea seasonal study (15 cruises) with disrete measurements (Jon Olafsson) Time series data from the Irminger Sea from (Jon Olafsson) Johan Hjort Nordic WOCE cruise in 1994 (Jon Olafsson)

Delivered historical data CFC data from Meteor cruise M39/4 and CTD data from M59/2 (Monika Rhein/Reiner Steinfeldt) Discrete measurement data from cruise M59/2 and M60/5 (Toste Tanhua) Discrete measurement data from cruise M51/2 (Douglas Wallace) Data from M30/2; M32/5; ANT XIII/1; Sonne cruise 113; M36/1; M36/2; M39/2; M39/4 (Arne Koertzinger)

Delivered historical data Ficaram 1-9 from 2000 til 2006 (Aida Rios) SURATLANT data from 2001 til 2004 (14 cruises) (G. Riverdin, A. Corbiere, N. Metzl) D12.4 (Jack Middelburg, Alberto Borges, Helmuth Thomas) approx. 360 MB of data Historic data from 187 cruises! Total of historic and recent data: 307 cruises

How can you have access to the data? You can have access to the data using websites from many data centers e. g.: You will find the data – but it will take a while.... CARBOOCEAN data portal

How can it be found? Use the link from CARBOOCEAN homepage

How can it be found? Use Google Or

But what is it? a search engine like Google searches three World Data Centers (CDIAC, IFREMER and WDC-MARE) for data provides all metadata in the same format!

You can search by parameter, scientist, research vessel, project, region, etc

What did I do with all the released data? All data is archived at a World Data Center while Intellectual Property Rights are obeyed All data is quality controlled Public underway data goes directly to Alex (CDIAC) Public bottle data goes to Bob and Alex Unpublished data is archived at WDC-MARE All data goes into the CARBOOCEAN database!

What is the resulting product? CARBOOCEAN underway database (Extended) CARINA dataset which also includes data that was not included in CARINA – basically all pre- CARBOOCEAN data (ask Bob Key for details)

CARBOOCEAN underway database

Some facts: Time frame 1978 until 2006 Contains approx. 2,8 million measurements Includes all public underway data from CDIAC as well as data from recent projects (CAVASSOO, CARINA, etc), data from CARBOOCEAN PIs that was delivered within the past 2 years and CARBOOCEAN data

All CDIAC underway data is now in a uniform format Derived parameters from CDIAC data is currently being calculated by Are Olsen to the standards according to guidelines from Tskuba 2004 By beginning of 2007 will all underway data include the same parameters derived to the same standard (as far as possible) All public data will be go back to CDIAC

What will happen soon? Underway database: include American VOS line data, Australian and Japanese data Data exchange with Mersea IP Data portal: National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC/NOAA) will join soon!

The End....