International Atomic Energy Agency 1 INIS Database Usage Analysis (Preliminary Results) Taghrid ATIEH 11 th joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting 6-8 November 2007 Vienna – Austria
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 2 Interim results Background & Objectives
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 3 The INIS Database on internet since October 1998 Main INIS product 490 Subscriptions in 102 Member States: Significant efforts: Building the Database Developing and enhancing features Over 3400 user IDs IP addresses: hundreds thousands authorised users
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 4 “asked the INIS Secretariat to make an in-depth analysis/data mining of INIS Database usage, emphasizing users subject requirements and usage patterns, and to discuss the findings at the Joint INIS/ETDE Technical Committee Meeting in 2007” Decrease in usage despite the increase in the subscriptions 33rd Consultative Meeting of ILO’s 30 Oct-1- Nov 2006 Discussion Item: “INIS Database Usage” ILO’s recommendation:
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 5 2- Contents: subjects, years,… 1- Usage patterns: paths, frequency of use, Authorities usage,.. Objectives:
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 6 Log files: 12 months (April March 2007) Phase I: Interim report Project Status: Request for Procurement - Company selected: ANGOSS
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 7 Summary Counts of the web log EntityCountComments Total number of hits Hits representing images and web crawlers were removed during processing Number of visits59 098Two hours log on Number of visitors15 993The visitors are identified using their unique IP address Total number of queries Total number of search queries
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 8 Distribution of hits over the months
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 9 Search OptionFrequency of use % Search OptionsFrequency of use % Any Field53.90Indexer Assigned Descriptor 1.63 Combined Titles19.07Journal Title1.13 Full text10.58Language1.09 Report Number6.58Record type0.71 Abstract5.04Availability0.57 Volume Issue4.20Computer Assigned Descriptor 0.48 Corporate Author4.17Subject Category0.18 Descriptors3.26Topic Related Fields0.13 Combined Source 3.26Author0.04 Country Name2.78 Rate of use of the different fields in descending order
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 10 Search Options in “Combined Queries” Usage of more than one search option 16.99% 83.01%
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 11 RankFieldInformation Gain 1FT VVSS8.27 3ACC3.03 4LA2.21 5CN1.63 6AB1.27 7TYPE0.91 8AV0.83 9ADE0.69 Fields most used / in “Combined Queries” RankFieldInformation Gain 10JR ASO DEI RP ALLNON BIB ALLF Auth DEC0.01
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 12 Second part: Contents usage: 90,000 records
International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Data Base Usage Analysis 13 - Do you have experience with similar study to share with us? Question: