E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Sarajevo, May 2015 Valerica Dumitrescu Education Officer ETUI.


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Presentation transcript:

E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Sarajevo, May 2015 Valerica Dumitrescu Education Officer ETUI

E FFECTIVE COMMUNICATION how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the way you intended set of skills including nonverbal communication, attentive listening, managing stress, ability to communicate assertively, to recognize and understand your own emotions and your interlocutor.

I MPROVING COMMUNICATION SKILLS BE A GOOD LISTENER Focus fully on the speaker, Avoid interrupting Try to set aside judgment Show your interest Provide feedback.

I MPROVING COMMUNICATION SKILLS PAY ATTENTION TO NONVERBAL SIGNALS How you read nonverbal communication Be aware of individual differences Look at nonverbal communication signals as a group How you use nonverbal signals Use nonverbal signals that match up with your words Adjust your nonverbal signals according to the context Use body language to convey positive feelings

I MPROVING COMMUNICATION SKILLS KEEP STRESS UNDER CONTROL Staying calm under pressure Use delaying tactics Pause to collect your thoughts Make one point Deliver your words clearly Wrap up with a summary

I MPROVING COMMUNICATION SKILLS KEEP STRESS UNDER CONTROL Quick stress relief for effective communication Recognize when you’re becoming stressed. Take a moment to calm down Look for humour in the situation Be willing to compromise Agree to disagree

I MPROVING COMMUNICATION SKILLS ASSERT YOURSELF Value yourself and your opinions Know your needs and wants. Express negative thoughts Receive feedback positively Learn to say “no”.