August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 2 Polish implementation system for European Funds National Cohesion Stratergy the overall amount of funds involved in implementation EUR 85.6 billion (EUR 67.3 billion from EU budget) Operational Programmes: Infrastructure and Environment Programme, Innovative Economy Programme, Human Capital Programme, 16 regional programmes, Development of Eastern Poland Programme, Technical Assistance Programme, European Territorial Co-operation Programmes.
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 3 until 8th May 2011, applications (correct from the formal point of view) were submitted (according to data generated from the KSI SIMIK National Information System), since the start of programmes, for the global amount of co-financing of PLN billion (both Community and national funds), contracts for co-financing were signed with beneficiaries, for the amount of PLN billion (amount of co-funding on the part of the EU of PLN billion), which constitutes 63.7 percent of allocation for the period, The value of beneficiaries’ expenditure recognised as eligible, resulting from submitted payment claims was PLN 76.6 billion, and in the part of EU co-financing – PLN 55.4 billion. Polish implementation system for European Funds
European Funds Website in Poland Reflects the EU funds implementation system, Gives general information about the funds, Specific information about operational programmes (country and regional level), It is based on connected information management system. August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 4
European Funds Website in Poland Distinction between subportals (marked with color relevant for the programme), The colour system is also used for all banners and promoting tools. August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 5
European Funds Website in Poland News, Documents and Guidelines, Calls for Proposals, Level of funds implementation and evaluation, Trainee schedules, Contact data to all information points and all implementation institutions, Promotional events and conferences, Best practices to follow, The list of beneficiaries! August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 6 screen
The list of beneficiaries Divided into finished and ongoing projects, Published every 3 months, Consist of: –Beneficiary name, –Project title, –Operational Programme, –Project total value, –Public co-funding, –Project start date (co- funding year), –Project end date (final payment year). August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 7
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 8 Map of EU Grants – the list of beneficiaries It presents projects which are implemented in Poland: Financial Perspective projects Financial Perspective projects
European Funds Website - extras Campaigns, Flash banners, Multimedia, You Tube channel, Facebook fanpages. August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 9
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 10 European Funds Website in Poland Beneficiaries Guide is the most popular Two sections: 1.I want to implement a project financed from European Funds 2.I implement projects financed from European Funds. Specially structured browser, Simple questions: 1.Where do you want to implement your project? 2.In what area do you want to implement your project? 3.Which is your category of beneficiary?
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 11 Solutions for the user’s good Tool ”Ask a question” which allows you to send a question directly from the website to the consultants from the Central Information Point. Interactive Flash map of Poland enables to access the database of information points across Poland.
Modern technology of information management Group of 71 editors from all over Poland, Group of 5 editors in charge. WHY? Unified information, Rules for internet texts, Tags, links and easy uploads. editoreditor in chargewebsiteuser August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 12
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 13 Base of Knowledge Intranet system for people who are involved in the system of implementation of European Funds. Access to: News, Forms, Documents, Multimedia files, Calendar of events, Contacts, Forum register users
After evaluation Classic and heuristic research, Eye tracking, Good results – 83,5 /106 points, Meets criteria in 76,6 %, Reliable and abundant information, Professional design. August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 14
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 15 Let the numbers speak page views in 2010 (PEF), page views in 2010 (PEF and subportals), Users from 150 countries – Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, USA but also Morocco, India etc, Users spent on PFE hours, The most popular site: Beneficiaries Guide page views.
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 16 Good tips Content – how to write for the Internet: Reverse pyramid, Keep it short, Make it practical and useful, Use eye catching titles and leads, Use attractive images, Link it, Adapt it to the target group. Usability and functionality: Information architecture ( e.g. text site maps), Easy navigation system – intuitive menu, Easy files uploading, Browsers easy to use, not only for news but also for calls for proposals, documents, trainees etc. Use tags, and alts, Present complete contact information, Test your page on real users.
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 17 Good tips Design Should be modern, keep layout consistent, Clear and transparent, New solutions and new media, Make it shareable, Custom error page. Adapted for disabled persons Sighted version, Possibility to move using keyboard, Adapted for screen readers not only layouts but also html code, Look out using flash banners.
August 16, 2015Ministry of Regional Development - 18 Thank you for your attention Marianna Sidoroff Ministry of Regional Development Department of Information, Promotion and Training Tel