Preparing for the Science Fair You need to prepare an informative and interesting display for the science fair to have a winning project. Included in the display would be: A tri-fold backdrop Your Project Binder Your Project Journal Anything applicable from your experimental set-up* Laptop for video display of your project (optional) (*) NOTE: here are certain restrictions of what can be displayed. These include living things, blood, bacteria, viruses, DNA, hazardous materials, controlled substances, explosives and lasers. For a complete list of restrictions and rules go to:
The Project Backdrop Also known as the tri-fold display, this board is a 3 dimensional representation of your experiment. The display showcases your experiment and should be visually attractive. Use a type size that can be read from a distance of 3 feet away. Don’t make the display look cluttered or “busy.” The display can either be self-supporting on the floor or on a flat table. There are specific dimensions for the project display. Dimensions for grades 6-8: The entire project display is limited to the following dimensions: 38 cm (15 in) deep; 91 cm (36 in) wide; 274 cm (108 in) high
The Project Binder, Project Journal, experimental equipment and laptop would be on the table in front of the backdrop.
The 5 minute “judge’s talk” You should prepare what you are going to say when the judges come to view your science project. It is critical that you have a clear and concise speech ready. You should write out your speech on note cards and practice it until you have it memorized. It is highly recommended that you rehearse your speech in front of other people such as parents, siblings or peers. The speech should be about 5 minutes in length and should cover: How you chose your topic What the research taught you about your topic Your hypothesis / expected results Your experimental design The results including whether it supported your hypothesis Ways of improving your project
A last bit of advice If you don’t know an answer to a question, don’t fake it; say you aren’t sure but will look up the answer. Dress neatly (no t-shirts) Stand up straight Look the judges in the eye GOOD LUCK! HAVE FUN!