The “End game for tobacco” in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Putting tobacco on notice New Zealand is putting tobacco on notice. The countdown…. “To make New Zealand a country free from smoking in 10 years and ultimately free from tobacco.” …has begun!
Our vision “Aotearoa/New Zealand – where tobacco has no place in our children’s future!”
The goal Smokefree/Auahi Kore within ten years and then tobacco Free/Tupeka Kore through community action (e.g. Tupeka Kore Marae).
Our vision comprises The goal Broad guidelines for the process The arenas in which we will work.
How do we get there Our Vision serves as a switch board The issues can plug into the vision as and when appropriate The experts in each discipline can plan their activities to fit in with the “countdown”
End Game? How do we get to the end game when the clock stops ticking? Include all who want to “plug in to the switch board” Build a consensus. Road show this campaign Avoid disunity in the sector. The principles of the approach will inform the activities.
So who is the enemy anyway? “Remember, smokers aren’t the problem. Tobacco is the problem. “ Smokers can be part of the solution even if they can’t quit at this time…..” - Dr Papaarangi Reid
The “End game for tobacco” in Aotearoa/New Zealand