CPR/Cardiovasculary System Medical Terminology
Ac Pertaining to Cardiac- pertaining to the heart
Angi/o Vessel Usually refers to blood vessels Angioplasty- surgical repair of a blood vessel
Aort/o Aorta Aortagram- x-ray image of the aorta (after an injection of contrast medium
Apheresis Removal Plasmapheresis- removal of plasma (from withdrawn blood)
Arteri/o Artery Arteriorrhexis- rupture of an artery
Ather/o Yellowish, fatty plaque Atherectomy- excision of plaque from a blocked artery (using a specialized catheter and a rotary cutter
Cardi/o Heart Cardiology –the study of the heart and its actions and diseases
Crit To separate Hematocrit – separate blood
Ech/o Sound Echocardiogram- record of the heart (structure and motion) using sound
Electr/o Electricity, electrical activity Electrocardiograph –instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart
End/o Within Endoscope –an instrument used for visualizing the interior of a hollow organ (as the rectum or urethra)
Isch/o Deficiency or blockage Ischemia –deficiency of blood
Itis Inflammation Myocarditis –inflammation of the muscle of the heart
My/o Muscle Myocardial infarction – death (necrosis) of a portion of the myocardial muscle (heart) caused by lack of oxygen resulting from an interrupted blood supply ( a heart attack)
Odynia Pain Myodynia – pain in a muscle
Oma Tumor or swelling Thymoma – tumor of the thymus (glandular structure of mostly lymphoid tissue) gland
Pathy Disease Lymphadenopathy –disease of the lymph glands (Lymphadenopathy Syndrome is persistent and generalized swelling of the lymph nodes often associated with the AIDS)
Poly Many or much Polycythemia –any condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of circulating red blood cells
Penia Abnormal reduction in number Hematocytopenia –abnormal reduction in the number of blood cells
Phleb/o Vein Phlebotomize- to draw blood
Poiesis Formation or production Lymphopoiesis –formation or production of lymph (transparent, usually colorless, tissue fluid
Sclerosis Hardening Scleroid –hard tissue
Sphygm/o Pulse Sphygmograph- an instrument that records graphically the movements or character of the pulse.
Stenosis Constriction or narrowing Angiostenosis – narrowing of a blood vessel
Steth/o Chest Stethoscope – an instrument used to detect and study sounds produced in the body
Tachy Fast or rapid Tachypnea –rapid breathing
Thromb/o Clot Thrombosis – the formation or presence of a blood clot within a blood vessel
Valvul/o Valve Cardiovalvulitis – inflammation of the valves of the heart