Why Should You Export?
Expanding World Markets Nearly 96 percent of consumers live outside the U.S. Over two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power resides outside the U.S. There is a significant opportunity for companies to increase sales by exporting Made in the USA still a powerful message
Exporting Myths Getting paid is cumbersome Exporting is too risky and complicated My business is too small to go global
Exporting Advantages Increase sales and profit Lower costs for transportation and communications Stabilize seasonal market/sales fluctuations Diversify sources of customers and revenue
Are You Ready to Export? Is exporting consistent with your company vision? Are your products and services successful domestically? Why will they be successful in international markets? Do you have the commitment, persistence and resources to support exporting?
Take a Free Export Readiness Self-Assessment to Get Started Complete online questionnaire at Receive feedback to assess export readiness Take online training courses to get you started Contact local export professionals for continued development
Create an Export Business Plan Define your company’s present status, internal goals & commitment Assemble facts Define constraints Identify specific goals and objectives
Conduct Market Research Use market research to identify foreign market product potential Learn about common business practices Market Research Library—U.S. government information on foreign opportunities Trade Stats Express—U.S. government information to identify target markets
Find Foreign Buyers Look for export events matching U.S. sellers with foreign buyers Meet foreign buyers at U.s. trade shows Sign up for a foreign trade mission or attend a foreign trade shows Investigate the Gold Key Matching Service, a fee- based customized buyer-finding solution offered by the U.S. Commercial Service
Legal Considerations Copyrights Trademarks Patents Protecting small business rights
Export Financing—Be Prepared Develop an export business plan Understand finance options
SBA Exporting Loans For small businesses In business at least one year Working capital or fixed asset financing Financing to support export orders or export transactions Long-term financing to support export expansion
SBA Financing Programs SBA Export Express Export Working Capital Program International Trade Loan Program
Export Express Streamlined application process Maximum loan $250,000 Available as line of credit Finances export development activities
Export Working Capital Program Pre-and-post shipment financing Single transactions or revolving line of credit Maximum loan $2 million
International Trade Loan Term loans to start or continue exporting Intended to help small firms be competitive Maximum SBA loan guaranty up to $1.75 million
Need More Answers? Export.gov—provides government online resources and links to local assistance United States Export Assistance Centers—located throughout the U.S., provides information for all federal export promotion and finance programs Look for export training programs offered in your area