Self-Service Content Barcelona, Oct 1, 2014 Gerry McGovern
Cross-functional collaboration Quality, not quantity Design first for core / top tasks Pair writing / collaboration Start with strategy, not tool Process for content
Cohesive digital strategy Cross-functional collaboration Content & UX collaboration Test quickly, test often Findability Structured content
Structure / metadata Internet of things & people
6 © Customer Carewords Ltd. 5 million visits NO TIME TO UPDATE
In a year, how many pages can Susan professionally manage? 100?
Best Over The Phone Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels Face-to-Face Most Suitable Self-Service? Speed & Repetition SLOW TO DO FAST TO DO HIGH REPETITION LOW REPETITION
Best Over The Phone Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels Face-to-Face Most Suitable Self-Service? Control vs Complexity HIGH COMPLEXITY LOW COMPLEXITY HIGH DEMAND FOR CONTROL LOW DEMAND FOR CONTROL
Best Over The Phone Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels Face-to-Face Most Suitable Self-Service? Implications & Vulnerability HIGH IMPLICATIONS LOW IMPLICATIONS ENABLED CUSTOMERS VULNERABLE CUSTOMERS
Best Over The Phone Perfect for Self-Service A Mix of Channels Face-to-Face Most Suitable Self-Service? Service vs Self-Service Costs LOW SERVICE STAFF COSTS HIGH SERVICE STAFF COSTS LOW SELF-SERVICE COSTS HIGH SELF-SERVICE COSTS
LOW ONLINE DEMAND HIGH ONLINE DEMAND HIGH SELF-SERVICE COSTS LOW SELF-SERVICE COSTS Sweet Spot for Web Self-Service Complex Complicated Simple Self-service Sweet Spot Face-to-Face Sweet Spot Phone Sweet Spot Divorce Planning permission Standard contract questions
Task 5 – Cloning Does Microsoft support producing multiple copies of a Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 image, using cloning? Task Performance Critical Issues TPI = 0 Median time on task (sec) = 162 Target time on task (sec) = 30
And the answer is.... YES
1.Simplicity 2.Convenience 3.Control 4.Speed 5.Price 6.Continuous improvement Online self-service principles
“Streamline" experience Prevent "distractions"
TOP TASKS TINY TASKS Content Publishing activity
“dublin sunrise”
second delay 4% reduction in ad revenue
Seconds of Orientation
We focus on user needs. RELENT LESSLY
46 November 2012 : Pretend you have forgotten the password for the Cisco account and take whatever actions are required to log in. Success/Failure RatesCompletion Time Password recovery =
49 May 2013: Pretend you have forgotten the password for the Cisco account and take whatever actions are required to log in. Success/Failure RatesCompletion Time Password Recovery =
50 “Implementing the improvements required coordinated effort from multiple IT teams, usability and experience design people, and even content editors.” Martin Hardee, Director for AND EVEN CONTENT EDITORS!!!
51 © Customer Carewords Ltd. Thank you