Spanish I- Unit I
Quick Facts Located on the Iberian Peninsula (La Península Ibérica) in Europe Capital- Madrid Currency: Euro Government: Parliamentary Monarch Languages: Catallano, Gallgo, Vasco, Catalan l bv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=Qcy7NO6CHjkLQM:&imgrefurl= ns/lesson_7/index_en.htm&docid=nQvhSTPITMcCTM&w=400&h=266&ei=4RNJTp_B LonVgAfiha2kBg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=205&start=0& ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0&tx=163&ty=96
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Spain was ruled by the Romans for 7 centuries until the Moors invaded and ruled parts of Spain in 711A.D. In 1492, Catholic monarchs ruling Spain began the era of Spanish expansion where they sent many explores and missionaries to colonize parts of the Caribbean, Central, and South America. Wars with France, England, and the United States weakened the Spanish Empire which resulted in a civil war from After the civil war, Spain was ruled by General Franco until his death in After the death of General Franco, Spain became and remains a parliamentary monarchy.
Spain in bordered on the Northeast by France (Francia) and Portugal to the West. Spain is also bordered by three Bodies of water: the Mediterranean Sea (Mar Mediterráneo) to the East, the Bay of Biscay (Mar Cantábrico) to the North, and the Atlantic Ocean (Océano Atlántico) to the West. The coast of Africa can be seen from the southernmost point in Spain. The Straight of Gibraltar (El Estrecho de Gibraltar) separates Spain and Morocco.
Spain is a mountainous country with several mountain ranges. It is the 2 nd most mountainous country in Europe. Picos de Europa in the North are the largest national park in Europe. The tallest peak is 2,648 meters tall. Los Pirineos separating Spain and France in the Northeast Sierra de Guadarrama in the center of the country Sierra Nevada in the South
La Meseta is the high plateau (or highland) in the interior part of Spain. The climate in this area is similar to that of Montana, with very cold winters. Spain is also known for it’s coastal areas: La Doñana is a nature reserve along the coast of Andalucia where many species of bird are protected. Tossa de Mar is a beautiful beach in the northern part of the country that attracts tourists from all over the world. otos/jrervin/ /
Regions and Cities: The region of Andalucía is known for exporting of olive oil to countries throughout the world. Andalucía is also known for having flexible time. La Mancha (of the the region of Castilla-La Mancha) is known for its windmills. Galicia is known for the use of Celtic-inspired music festivals. The city of Sevilla holds a yearly festival with traditional costumes, songs, and dances called Feria de Abril.
La Feria de Abril is a week long celebration that began in the 19 th century. What began as a livestock fair has evolved into a large festival with flamenco dancing, bright colors, flowers, and bullfighting. Many women celebrate this event by wearing traditional flamenco dresses. ronda/2009/03/seville-feria-2009-feria-de-abril.html abril/
Bullfighting (la corrida de toros) has been a Spanish tradition for over 600 years. Many in Europe see it as cruelty to animals while others defend the tradition. Today, many towns celebrate their patron saint with festivities, including bullfighting.
Foods Paella is the most well-known seafood dish in Spain. Gazpacho is a cold-soup of pureed tomatoes and other vegetables La tortilla is a dish made with eggs, onions, and potatoes that is similar to an omelet. Paella, Gazpacho, and La tortilla are foods that can be found throughout Spain while most Spanish food is influenced by the geography or history of a particular region. Places like La Plaza Mayor in Madrid are popular places during lunch time for many Spaniards. hp?t= m/2007/07/gazpacho.htm l na/receta-de- tortilla-de-chorizo-y- pimientos-asados/
Los Bailes y La Música Las catañuelas are popular hand held instruments used in many poplar songs and dances. Flamenco dancing is a popular dance throughout Spain. Another popular dance in the Barcelona area is la sardana. Many people often meet in front of the cathedral in order to dance. In Galicia, the music and festivals reflect the areas Celtic roots as the area was occupied by the Celts for 300 years between B.C. Much of the folk music in this area has bagpipes and many wear traditional kilts. A0PDoV1gQzJSAX0AaTaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTF zYnZxZzNoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZA MyYmVhMTI3MjViY2MyZjI5ZDEzMDQ2NTgy
Architecture The Guggenheim (in Bilboa) is a contemporary- style museum Avila is city surrounded by medieval walls. Much of the Architecture in Spain reflects the Arab influence in the country. An example is La Mezquita found in Córdoba. /2873/museo-guggenheim- bilbao_1024x768_48631.jpg /~santedit/askedition photo.html a/photos/cordoba0 3.asp
Arte Diego Velazquez, Juan Miró, Salvador Dalí, and Pablo Picasso are just a few famous Spanish artists. Picasso spent much of his life in exile due to the dictatorship of General Franco. Las cuevas de Altamira in Santillana are an example of prehistoric art. It is believed this art was created between 14, ,000 B.C. altamira.html
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