RRI Promoting Rights and Development through Climate and REDD+ Initiatives Progress and Steps Forward 28 October 2013 Oslo, Norway
Demand for Forest Tenure Support October 28, Tenure as a Driver Tenure as an obstacle/ constraint to REDD implementation Part of national strategy National REDD strategy documents 27 of 40 (68%)32 of 40 (85%)31 of 35 (89%) RRI focus on tenure and rights and centrality of tenure as identified in RPPs lies at the core of NORAD-funded RRI project. Clarity of tenure and rights has implications for: How market development takes place for forest carbon (removing confusion and conflicts); How drivers of deforestation are addressed (risk to private sector investments and emergence of good practices); and How does REDD incentive structure rewards the good actors (good governance and removing corruption).
Key Elements of RRI Climate Program Action at Regional and National REDD Platforms: Indonesia, Cameroon, Liberia, Nepal, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala etc. and close work with ACRN and Meso American Alliance; Analytical Support at Country, Regional and Global level: Country and community level analyses, regional and global analyses, (Tenure tracking, drivers of deforestation, conflicts, concessions, and industrial models); Convening of Key Actors: More than 14 international and regional dialogues on REDD+ bringing together diverse actors on the same platform to exploit key moments of opportunity; Enlisting Private Sector Support for Tenure Rights: Analyses highlighting investment risks in areas with unclear tenure; clean supply chains and consumers; alternate business models; and Developing and Encouraging Networks : of emerging leaders of Communities, IPs, forest agencies, and CSOs. October 28,
Emerging Challenges REDD+ development now at country level while international discussions stuck on question of financing, methodological issues, non-carbon benefits, etc. Lack of substantive investment has resulted in community disenchantment on one hand and governments now seeking alternative strategies to attract investments on the other. Possibility of emergence of an international carbon market (and thus diminishing hope of greater fund flows to developing countries) is low at least till 2020, serious efforts are being made to experiment with establishment of country level and sub-regional carbon markets without laying the foundation s of good governance and forest ownership questions. October 28,
RRI Strategy in 2014 Continuing focus on country REDD+ platforms and discussions on the fundamental issue of clear and equitable land tenure reform as a necessary condition of REDD+ programs Strengthen CSOs/communities/IP networks/forest agency leaders to fight the regressive alternate investments (leading to large forest land concessions) in countries of RRI engagement Leverage other international instruments like FLEGT/VPA, FAO Voluntary Guidelines, and human rights platforms to give prominence to issues of rights, legality and transparency in REDD+ discussions Ensure that efforts at development of carbon finance regimes respect customary and statutory rights to land, territories, and resources October 28,
Moving Forward RRI’s proposed Land and Forest Tenure Facility aims to address these gaps and establish a unique public-private-civil society partnership to: mobilize greater awareness and commitments to tenure scale-up investments in securing local tenure rights in a demand-driven, opportunistic approach across the developing world October 28,