Using Animation to teach narrative writing. Ian Bishop Rel. ICT Consultant Sydney Region
Today 9:00 – 10:30 Introduction to Animation Storyboarding 10:30 – 11:00 Morning Tea. 11:00 – 12:30 SAM Animation Installation Production Adding Audio and Titles 12:30 – 1:15 Lunch 1:15 – 2:45 Animation Production 2:30Presentations and Evaluation
Wallace and Gromit
Literacy skills from creating an animation Writing Skills NAPLAN Writing Criteria understand the sense of audience and the engagement of a reader as they write understand and use text features organise texts in a meaningful way using a variety of sentence structures, appropriate sequencing and text connectives to control the text use typical grammar features of writing use a range of language choices including literary devices such as similes, metaphors and personification spell and punctuate
STAGE 1- Talking and Listening ■ Reading ■ Writing Students write simple literary and factual texts on familiar topics for known readers by planning and reviewing their writing. They write using basic grammatical features and conventions of punctuation, showing awareness of different purposes, audiences and subject matter.
Quotes from English Curriculum 7-10 In their study of English, students are able to apply their existing knowledge of word processing, multimedia, ways of formatting and presenting texts, simulation software, graphics and electronic communication and further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of these technologies. They learn about the ethics of information communication through technology. At Stage 4, students use specified tools and functions of word processing for composing. They learn to import images and graphics into folders and documents. In formatting documents they learn to desktop publish using graphics in a multimedia presentation or webpage, evaluating appropriate layout and design principles for a specific audience. At Stage 5, students use more advanced specified tools and functions of word processing for composing. They learn to create, import and manipulate graphics. They learn about advanced forms of digital communication such as video conferencing.
Quotes from English Curriculum 7-10 The syllabus requires students to develop skills in composing and responding to texts created in and through different information and communication technologies and to understand the effects of the technology on meaning. It develops the skills, knowledge and understanding for students to acquire, process, question, challenge, reformulate and evaluate information in texts from a wide variety of sources.
Why use Animation An effective learning tool for students Research skills Writing skills Listening skills Speaking skills Organisational skills Technology skills Presentation skills Interview skills Interpersonal skills
Why Animation Because we teach 21st Century Students who find technology engaging.21st Century Students By recognizing and understanding learning styles, you can use techniques better suited to your students. This improves the speed and quality of their learning. Which learning style are you? Visual (spatial)Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural (auditory-musical)Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music. Verbal (linguistic)Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Physical (kinaesthetic)Physical (kinaesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. Logical (mathematical)Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Social (interpersonal)Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Solitary (intrapersonal)Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
Steps for Creating an animation Planning - very critical! Story boards, Story Map, Script Writing. The teacher can see the student's process and progress
Steps for Creating an animation Production - use the software to put it all together. This will differ from Stage to Stage
Steps for Creating an animation Presentation - allows the students to create projects for an authentic audience. Add it to a blog, use it as an assembly item or start your own Film Festival.
Steps for Creating an animation Assessment - students use rubrics to determine - what does it mean to have a good project. Rubistar is an excellent resource to develop rubrics for free (must register) Rubistar
How to animate!
SAM Animation Video – What is SAM Animation Thirsty Teddy on=com_seyret&Itemid=6&task=videodirectli nk&id=575
SAM Animation - What is It? SAM Animation software enables young people to easily create stop-action movies that express their ideas and understanding of the world around them. The technology is accessible and engaging, and has multiple applications for both primary school and high school.
SAM Animation – Why Use It? The process of creating stop-animation is hands-on, and promotes problem-solving and a high level of creativity across multiple content areas and learning styles. The emphasis is on the process rather than the final product and on discovery through experimentation.
SAM Animation – Ease of Use It is a simple interface that makes for easy adoption and can be used successfully at all grade levels. Very little content knowledge is required, though basic computer knowledge is helpful. Teachers should download and experiment with SAM animation first.
SAM Animation – User Options Using SAM Animation, you can manipulate props - such as construction paper cut-outs, LEGO bricks, or figures - in front of the webcam, or use white boards with markers. The software enables users to capture images and animate physical material via stop-motion photography, accomplished through simple clicks of a mouse. Changes can be made immediately by deleting frames and allowing the user to rework a sequence.
SAM Animation – What do you need? Mac OSX or Windows XP Webcam Creativity
Examples Examples nmenu.html
Drawn Animation Cut Paper ml ml 3D
Important Point Project Movie
Saving your work PROJECT: Allows further editing of your video Save animation project Make sure you know location of videos Can add music, audio (voice), images,
MOVIE: Export - Renders video as a final project No further editing (possible, but harder) Creates a QuickTime file;
Storyboard A storyboard visually tells the story of an animation panel by panel, kind of like a comic book. A storyboard should convey some of the following information: What characters are in the frame, and how are they moving? What are the characters saying to each other, if anything? Where the "camera" is in the scene? Close or far away? Has the camera moved?
Tips for students. Your drawings don't have to be fancy! You want to spend just a few minutes drawing each frame. Use basic shapes, stick figures, and simple backgrounds.
Music and Sound effects Sounds Sounds Free Music Free Music
Adding Power Point Slides for Titles and Credits TIP: You can add a Power Point single slide to your animation. (You will need to duplicate the slide in SAM animation to make it appear to stay.) Create a page in PowerPoint then Save As - JPEG Format!Save As - JPEG Format
Storyboarding Animations made by kids Animation lessonshttp:// Lego films Free and easy animation site